Why the hell does he stink!?



  • @armahnismommy David always smelled good, like a chubby lil baby powder ball of yumminess lol. Aadyn smells like rotten food or vomit lol, but I scrub the hell out of him. It is seriously JUST his hair that smells horrid lol
  • Check behind his ears? My daughter is always bathed and cleaned behind the ears, but it still gets funky easily since they are sweating now
  • @caroline_8p i my sister informed me about it when gias head smelled now shes stuck with the nickname hiney head lol

    does ur lo have longer hair? my daughters bangs are long and there was still flakes hiding under there they were dark flakes
  • I put it on his head too. It makes his hair slick for a lil while until it soaks in.
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  • Distilled water, from my understanding, is water that is boiled and the steam that is created is then cooled & condensed back into liquid form. So instead of me boiling water for bottles, I buy distilled (already boiled) water @mama_kat
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  • @armahnismommy hes 5 1/2 months. When I wash his hair during bath time, I get him out of his tub and gently towel dry his hair and brush it with a soft bristle baby brush. He has a head full of hair but its very thin so its pretty much completely dry by the time im done brushing. Now, on days I work, hubby bathes him and I honestly dont know his routine. Ive never seen what he does bc if im home, im the one who does it
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  • @mama_kat I hope vomit isnt his natural scent lmao. I appreciate you ladies trying so hard to help me with this :)
  • Distilled water is the purest water you can get because everything is taken out of it, including minerals. Just thought I'd share lol :)
    Not sure how to help with the smelly hair thing though, sorry.
  • @wilsomom lol thankyou. I dont know what to do about the smelly hair thing either lol
  • I didn't read this all but my son always smells like that...I think it's head sweat lol
  • I really think you should make a dermatologist appointment, it would hurt. It could be some kind of fungi like mentioned in that link. I don't think it's your babies "normal" smell lol. Also I highly doubt it's from sweat because you mention it still smells immediately after a bath. even when my daughter sweats (like her pillow is soaked during a nap) she doesn't really smell. I would definitely get a professional opinion. Not the pediatric office either, unless they've heard of it before, they will have no idea and might give you bogus reasons or advice (I hate that!).
  • @summergirl22 yeah I really want to get to the bottom of this. Ill let you know.if I ever get an answer!
  • My son's hair always smelled good, like fresh snow (& still does @ 2.5 y.o.!!!) But when he was a baby, he produced so much ear wax his ears would get smelly. I just cleaned them w/ a cotton ball. Thankfully, he outgrew it!!!
  • I hope you find the answers! Tag me when you do :)
  • @math_mommy David always smelled very good, so ive definitely been confused with this. I really dont feel like its a hygiene issue because I know he is always kept clean and he is always washed very well. I'm going to ask a dr about it bc I dont want people thinking I dont clean him! Lol
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