warming bottles...

edited May 2012 in Babies
When were you able to stop warming your lo bottles?

Not for mommies who never had to warm your lo bottle. That won't help me. Lol


  • I'm slowly warming Tessa's less and less. She's almost 10 months. She still won't take it room temp but I'm just decreasing the amount of time I put the water in the microwave. (Yea yea I use the microwave, bad mommy lol). I started at 45 secs and I'm down to 15.
  • @starrxoxo9 I use the microwave too! Lol. I just shake it to make sure there's no hotspots. I use to do 30 but ive recently started doing 20. So I'm on the right track.
  • Jacey is 10 months and I started a month ago decreasing the time in the micro too, @starrxoxo9, I'm a bad mommy to lol.. the only time I have it warm now is at bedtime..
  • Well I'm glad I'm not the only one lol. When I was bfing I always used the bowl of hot water but now I'm just putting the water in the microwave and then adding the formula, so it doesn't seem like a big deal lol.
  • I always thought something would happen to the bottles if you warm up anything in them lol
  • In the microwave I mean
  • @aishamusa no they say no microwave because it supposedly can give the water hotspots but I've never had that happen. All you have to do is shake up the bottle after you warm it and it will even it out.
  • Yall are not alone, we warm bottles in the microwave too! My lo is fixing to be 8 months and normally i do 30 it basically just knocks the chill off but if were in town obviously he has to have it cold since the heat here is horrible and i have yo keep his bottle in his baby cooler.
  • I was never able to!
  • @2ndbutfirst I Dnt think spoiling them has anything to do with it. My lo never drank a room temp bottle. She started out bf so warm milk is what she was already accustomed too
  • @2ndbutfirst oh no I didn't take it offensively at all!
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