Anyone elses LO...

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
Start hysterically laughing when they see your boobs? Everytime I go to nurse my son all I have to do is pull my boob out, and say ”Aiden do you want boob?”, and he rushed to me no matter what he's doing, and starts cracking up. My bf thinks it's hilarious.

Anyone elses babies do this?


  • No but last night I was changing out of my regular bra into a nursing bra cause they are easier for me at night and Naliyah was crying and crying cause she was sleepy and as I sat down to put my nursing bra on she comes over and tries to drink from my boob and i'm like Naliyah hold on I have to get settled...I thought it was funny
  • Lol yes! My lo would get so excited he would laugh and squeal! So. So cute
  • Lmao. So funny. "Gimme gimme gimme!"
  • Mine throws a tantrum when he sees them.throws himself down, squirms around and cries as he tries to latch on. Like, dude, give me a minute!!
  • LMFAO!!!! hahaha mine doesnt do that but she bites me and laughs before I even say ow!!
  • Oh yes! My lo gets so excited. She gets so impatient when I put the boppy on my lap.
  • I don't bf anymore :(, but Jack goes crazy when he sees me making a bottle
  • edited June 2012
    Malia gets all excited when she sees boob! IR if I ask her if she wants boobah, she does this sort of pant thing. Not like a dog though, lol. Sometimes she unlatches and gets up real fast all happy and is slapping my boob. She tries to give it raspberries. She is took much, lol.
  • My lo gets crazy when he sees my boobs and when I lay down close to him he starts opening his mouth a move his tongue lol so damn cute!! He Will do anything to get boobs
  • Lol my LO will start nursing and then pulls off and starts head butting my boob and laughs?!! My husband thinks its the punk rock in her weird!
  • My Lo is 6 months and she scratches, hits and kicks me while nursing lol! She is wild! When I am getting ready to feed her she starts getting crazy lol!
  • I don't bf anymore but my lo laughs at my boobies, well any boobies really.
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