7 month old eating question

edited June 2012 in Babies Health
My lo is 7 months old tomorrow and normally drinks 5 to 6 6oz bottles a day but for the last week or so she has been only drinking maybe 3 or 4oz each bottle and refusing to drink anymore, she turns her head away throws the bottle and starts crying if I try to give it back. She also has started spitting up alot which she hasnt done since she was newborn. I am just wondering if this is normal or if it something to be concerned about? She seems happy and still sleeping normal just not eating and spitting up after each feeding.
Also how much did your lo eat when they were 7 months old?


  • My lo is almost 8months and only drinks 4oz at a time
  • edited June 2012
    Maybe reflux? Or maybe you're feeding her too much that's why she's spitting up
  • My lo goes through moments like this that lasts from a few days to a week. I have to fight with her to make her drink a bottle. Then after a few days she's back to normal.
  • @steph_due_101611 That makes me feel better everyone in my family keeps saying she's still only drinking 6 oz?
    @newmomma13 I was thinking that but its never been a problem before so I wasnt sure
    @Mimii36 I have to do the same thing to get her to drink like 3 oz shes screams and slams her arms and legs and shakes her head back and forth so I just give up...I hope she goes back to normal soon
  • Thank you for your responses!
  • Every baby is different.
  • Yep that's my lo is. She acts like I'm killing her and puts her lips really tight together. I use to get so frustrated but now when she goes through those moods I just don't force her to drink it. Her doctor said she will eat when she's hungry and don't stress about counting ounces. As long as she's gaining weight its fine.
  • @mimii36 haha thats exactly what she does the putting her lips together...I never worried about ounces until I realized she really hasnt been drinking that much this week.
  • My lo drinks 4-5 Oz bottles at a time. He to has been spitting up more than usual.
  • Evie has 4 7/8 oz bottles a day, plus three meals, and she often leaves an oz or two, Im not worried. :-)
  • Riley has been having 4 bottles and normally drinks between 6 and 8 ounces. He eats twice a day, sometimes 3. I'm not concerned, he is going to start dropping bottles as he eats more and I'm just following his lead!
  • My LO is almost 8 month and drinks 4 oz at a time. But right now he's teething bad and has only been eating 2 oz at a time. He also is completely refusing any solid food too. So maybe it's teething g?
  • All babies are different , my little one drinks 6-8 oz at a time, sometimes over 8 oz and eats baby food and a few snacks.
  • The same happened to my lo, she now has 3 meals a day, Probs 4 oz morning, 3 oz lunch another 3 tea time and then about 10 @ night she will have 7. She seems happy and us gaining weight, think, if you were bf you wouldn't even know how much there drinking xxx
  • Thank you everyone for your responses I was also thinking it might be the teething but its good to know it happens to others!
  • My lo has started spitting up a lot too...her doc said that if it happens more than 4x a week then its probly reflex which we've never had a problem with before. Eating amount is about the same.
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