hey everyone.



  • @janet_2011 its a tough situation. I'm glad you got help. Thank you for your prayers and support.
  • @samantha wow 6 teeth. I haven't felt any break through yet but she chews on everything. Lol. Including biting my nose lol. She's adorable lol. How is everything going with you.
  • Have you tried the wish upon a hero website? i posted a wish there for food, diapers, baby formula, and baby girls clothes and someone said that they might help with the clothes. theres very nice people there, most have alot of issues like us but some of them dont and are willing to help people like us
  • @wilsomom cool. Sounds like your a great mom. Hows the pregnancy going. I have 3 kids and can't handle them somtimes. How do you do it?
  • @janet_2011 no, I've never heard of it.
  • You should try it , you might get the help faster since you are in a shelter. it probably takes a day or two to get someone to help you, but it happens. i have seeing people posting for computers and stuff they just want and they have gotten them
  • @mrz_jackson hey how are you.
  • @janet_2011 wow I will have to check it out. Thank you for the info.
    @jules I do remember, you were going through very similar. Hows it going.
  • I found a bunch of summer stuff!! Some of it is 3 months, but they're dresses with rompers so they look bigger. I'm washing everything now, and will mail it tomorrow :)
  • @starrxoxo9 omg so very much thank you. That's awsome. I love putting her in dresses lol. But I don't have very many.
  • Well everyone finally woke up. I been up forever. Lol. So I will chat when I can. Thank you all for everything. I have missed you all so much.
  • Here's some pics of everything :)


  • I just make it one day at a time ;) The clothes she's sending you are so cute! What a blessing. I was in a shelter once too when I had 3 kids & was going through a divorce, so I know it's no fun. just hang in there one day at a time! :)
  • I'm gonna try and send you stuff too
  • Yes she was born in the 12th :) she it's growing like crazy very exciting. She rolls over in every way possible, age loves to stand with support and somehow she knows to put one foot in front of the other, she is starting to crawl doesn't go too far thought, she can sit herself up just started going that, she is also starting to hold her bottle, she loves to watch Angelina ballerina it's very funny to watch her watching the show. So definitely going a lot more now that she is almost 6 months. We are doing pretty good Marquis just found out that he is not loosing his paramedic license so just waiting to hear from his job were pretty sure they want him back but he wants to try and get some back pay. How are you doing?
  • @starrxoxo9 thank you so much, those are very cute. I appreciate it greatly.
    @wilsomom yes a great blessing. And I'm sorry to hear you went through a devorce while living in a shelter, that must have been really hard. I couldn't imagine it without my husband.
    @newmomma13 that would be great. Thank you. Anything and everything is greatly appreciated.
  • @jules that's good. Hope he does get his job back. Kirsten rolls over all the time. She loves being on her side arched backwards looking at her bothers. She thinks its funny or something lol. She sits with support. She trys scooting. But she doesn't get a lot of time to practice because of where we are. But really hoping to have a home where she can do all the practicing she wants. Lol. She smiles all the time and loves her brothers so very much. She gives the biggest smiles if they just look at her, it so cute. She has the cutest eyes I just fall in love with her everytime I see her big beautiful blue eyes. :) I really wish I could show a picture.
  • @kristaf22 thank you. I hope things slow dow a little for you so you can get some rest.
  • Other then little girls clothes what else would you might need...y'all have hygiene products?...the older kids have clothes?
  • My boys have clothes that don't really fit them, but they are stuck wearing them. The shelter helps with hygine items, and diapers. We get formula from wic. My boys are 5 & 3. And kinda tall and skinny. Lol. The clothes that should fit are usually fine but they fall down cuz they to skinny. Lol.
  • We are here for you doll (:
  • Hun, I have a TON of boy clothes. My son is nearing 6 and I have stuff from about 2T up. I'll message you on FB and we can meet up!
  • What stores are near you? I might be able to send some gift cards. Is there a walmart, Giant, rutters, sunoco. Do you have a car for gas cards?
  • I know what you're going through. Last year after we found out I was pregnant I lost my job, our home then hubby lost his job too. We were almost forced out in the street until a friend offered to move in with them for a few months. We had an 18 month old son at the time too. Luckily we both found jobs and a place to live and are getting back on our feet but I definitely know how you feel. Do you need anything like non-perishable food or some toys used toys for the kids. I know its not new but if they could use it I could pick some things out. My son has a ton of toys so I'm sure he won't miss a few.
  • @salasmommy thank you. I am so glad I came back. I missed all of you. I really needed you all. This is been really hard and now I know you all will help me through it. Thank you so much.
    @lilsugarsmomma ok. Thank you. That would be great. I appreciate it.
  • @kimalee2288 I'm sorry that you have been through the same. But I'm glad your getting back on your feet. I am kinda close to a walmart. And we do have a van that we can't hardly ever put gas in. Lol. We soo need jobs. And a new home.
  • What sizes do your boys wear. What gas stations are near you?
  • My oldest is 5 and can wear 4-5t. Except in pants. He's to tall for 4t but to skinny for 5t. Its frustrating. And my youngest boy turns 3 july 1. He wears 2-3t. Same problem with pants though. And we are right down the street from a maverik. We go there most cuz of 2 cents off. Lol. We also go to holiday if they cheap enough.
  • Do you need any clothes? What size do you and your husband wear? I'm going through our clothes right now and was just going to donate them anyway
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