Sick baby will onlu nurse

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
AJ has been sick for a couple days now. He has a fever, cough, runny Nose and the poops. He is refusing the bottle all together and nursing constantly (i will do what I have to so that he doesn't get dehydrated) but I wad drying myself out slowly. My question is will he still get enough milk from my breast? I was down to one pump and two feeding a day now he wants to be latched half the day.


  • Aw, poor baby! I'd say if he's happy there, he's getting enough milk. Or is he thrashing and fussing at the breast? He's probably in need of the comfort from the breast, or antibodies from your milk to help his immune system. You're doing good Mama! :-)
  • Yup! Just keep an eye on the wet diapers for peace of mind :) the more he nurses will build your supply up unfortunately if you were trying to dry up
  • Thanks @bahamamama4828 @ourlittlenugget
    I am not to worried about rebuilding supply it was pumping that I hated. If it helps him get better I will just have to nurse a while longer. Wet diapers were down to for yesterday doc said to see how he is in a few days because he is not dehydrated.
  • Aww I hope he feels better!
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