diapers! another update at bottom

edited June 2012 in Babies
Ok momma's what kind of diapers do you use and why? My lo just turned 7 months, we have been using pampers baby dry for at least 4 of those months the other were pampers swaddlers. Anyways...my daughter has pooped out a ton of them..so we thought it was because they were too small so we went up a size, but she is still doing it! I can't imagine going up another size or even going back down. But it seems like every time she poops a lot she is going out of the diaper. Do I need to change brands? The kind of pampers we are using? I need help! She is going to eventually ruin all of her clothes with stains and clothes are expensive!


  • Yes try changing brands. My niece is the exact same way. They switched her to Live and it got much better. She still poops through them sometimes but not nearly as often.
  • I hated Pampers baby dry but the cruisers work so much better. Definitely not as many blow outs lol
  • We were strictly a pampers household as well. We recently switched to Target brand and love them! They are awesome and cheaper!
  • I've always used pampers I use pampers swaddlers an the cruisers I absolutely hate the baby dry they have leaked for me every time I've tried! Defiantly swaddlers or cruisers!
  • I personally like huggies. They aren't as thin as pampers and seem to hold better. I've tried luvs and they didn't hold at all. He would waffle up in the middle of the night with his clothes and sheets being wet.
  • Target diapers! Theey ate amazing! 9+ months strong, ZERO leaks, ZERO blow outs! Plus you save money! At least try a small pack, they are $7-$8 for those.
  • I love pampers and have used them with both my kids. I always use the swaddles and then the cruisers. Never baby dry though, they leaked for us.
  • I'm with @ashley_smashley & @caroline8_p up & ups (target brand) you get like 80 more then pampers for $10 less and they work great!!!
  • I use pampers cruisers. I used to use pampers sensitive but they only sell the small.packs on base. I tried the baby dry ones and hated them!
  • Huggies are my favorite.... Never had a leak with those. With pampers it seemed like I had to constantly change her. I hated luvs.
  • I use huggies. They hold a lot
  • I used to use Huggies Lil movers, they worked great until she started crawling. So I switched to pampers cruisers and they work great, no leaks at all. Try cruisers or huggies lil movers
  • If u have a BJ's wholesale in ur area, i totally recomend them. They r very much like huggies but a million times cheaper. 25 bucks for a big box that will last about a month. Thru my kids we tried every brand and only liked huggies till we tried these.
  • I like huggies snug&dry or kirkland brand from costco.
  • I use the walmart parents choice I LOVE THEM
  • Huggies lil movers. Tryed sams club brand and they are horrible.
  • Target brand is good, never had a problem with those, but am cloth diapering again, and never have a problem.
  • Huggies and target
  • Seems like a lot of you like the cruisers so i will be looking into those. We tried a thing of luvs when she was in a size 1 so that's a possibility too. I'm not a fan of huggies they seem smaller than the pampers diapers, I felt like I changed them more often. The only target wes have is 45min away so that's may be a no go..unless I buy for like a month lol.
    @mimii36 @kimalee2288 @ashley_smashley @mrz_jackson @sands3 @jazzie @caroline8_p @my2boys @chelcie89 @blessedtxmom @navybabyonway @summergirl22 @mommyof3girls @tootie08 @jennalynne87 @joshuaswifey_711 @skysma @kindell @ericak22 @sophiasmom11 @steph_due_101611
  • edited June 2012
    Yea huggies do run smaller. That's why I switched to pampers. Buy then tried luvs when I was on a budget and they were great. They also have a money back guarantee if you don't like them.
  • @mimii36 I like them, I guess I just like pampers better? Lol I really don't know. I just know this pooping thing has got to stop lol.
  • @sophiasmom11 my daughter is 11 months and still wears size 2 lol
  • I bought luvs once...I got my money back!
  • I liked the pampers the hospital had, idr the name, they were the one with the yellow line that tired blue when they peed. Well I used those for about 5 months till they got too expensive. I tried huggies, but my son always leaked in them. So I tried the target.brand and LOVED them. The only thing, the price goes up in size, and you get less in the big boxes. I just bought my son size 3 ( he's usually in size 4) but the weight was 18-28 pounds. It came with 190 diapers for 20$! And the size 4 were 130 for 25$
  • We are a Pampers family! Love them!! Huggies gives my LO diaper rashes.
  • @summergirl22 good to know they actually fallow through with their guarantee.
    @blessedtxmom I bought the small package of cruisers to see how they work for us..they don't seem as soft as the baby dry ones tho lol.
    @devins_mommy they are the swaddlers we used those too until we could start smelling the urine through them. We don't have a target around here. Pampers are expensive but I think they are well worth it plus when you go up a size the price stays the same...even tho you don't get as many in them.
    @1stwoodsbaby yea, I haven't cared for huggies either. Each baby is different. Pampers seems to be in the top running these days tho.
  • Makenzie a allergic to everything and all she can use is Pampers. I switched from swaddlers to baby dry and she was peeing out of them so we use cruizers now. Love them
  • Yes they did follow through after I scanned the receipt and upc code.

    I've never used baby dry. The cruisers work great though.
  • @mallory27 that stinks she is allergic to everything, maybe she'll go out of it eventually. Glad you found something that works tho. I bouygues cruisers so we will see how they hold up.
    @summergirl22 we have used baby dry since she was probly 3 or 4 months old. We love them...but now the past month or so she has been pooping out of them. So on to the cruisers to see how they work.
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