Can tampons/periods.....

edited June 2012 in Pregnant
Cause migranes? Ever since I started and put a tampon in I have had the worst migrane. It only goes away if I drink a coke. Of course my dd had to be teething during all of this as well so the fussiness and no naps isnt helping.


  • Period possibly, but I dont think a tampon would have anything to do with it. Goes away with caffeine though so maybe thats it. I get migraines if I dont have caffeine
  • Yes they possibly can. The chemicals in them. You might want to invest in an alternative like moon/diva cup or mama cloth.
  • My period I get migraines instead of cramps...I've been like this since I started at 12 years old. I get them almost the whole 3 days I get it...sometimes even a few,days before it starts
  • Agrees with @bahamamama4828 since I have started useing my diva cup I don't have any of my previous debilitating pms symptoms. Before my cramps and headaches were so bad I couldn't leave my bed for 3 I don't even have to take a Motrin!
  • tampons make my cramps 10x worse and give me headaches for whatever reason... like @ashley_smashley I either have to have a narcotic type pain pill or I'm not getting out of bed if I use tampons. Diva Cup!!!!!
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