how much baby food....

edited June 2012 in Solid Foods
Does your lo eat in a sitting? The past week my lo has uped her formula intake from 5oz to 6/7oz. And she went from eating one tub of bby food twice a day (lunch and dinner) to now...1 at lunch still but she wants 2 at dinner! Is 2 at one sitting too much?


  • No not if she is still hungry. I think as long as you arent forcing LO to eat, then however much they want is fine. Sometimes Keegan will eat 1 sometimes 2 plus a 4 oz bottle.
  • Maybe she is going through a growth spurt and needs more to keep full.
  • @1stWoodsBaby yea I can't force her to eat at all. When she's done..Shes done. Lol. I was thinking growth spurt too. Just didn't wanna be giving her more than I should. I tried just giving her one tub last night and she cried for more so I went ahead and gave her another one.
  • My lo eats 1/2 jar mixed with cereal for breakfast, 1/2 far veggie and almost 1/2 jar meat for lunch and dinner. Most days he gets the other half jar of fruit for a snack. He.only drinks 4-5 ounces of formula each bottle. I started following the Gerber plan at 6 months
  • @sands3 my lo must be greedy! Lol
  • @blessedTXMom see my lo isn't up for breakfast so I guess she's just making up for that at dinner.
  • how do u know when baby wants jar food
  • @roxy we started after he started watching us eat and trying to get our plates, we also where advised by pediatrician at four month visit to start slow.
  • edited June 2012
    @roxy how old is your lo?

    @blessedTXMom oh wow. My lo gets up about 10:30 normally.. today it was 11:15 and I hate to go wake her up! She gets up at 8:30 on the days I wrk and she goes to daycare but she goes right back to sleep in the car.
  • My Lo eats about 1/2 jar to 1 jar total a day. Primarily breastmilk til 1 years old. She's almost 7 months.
  • My boy (8m) gets five 6oz bottles, 1 yogurt, one veggie, one fruit, 2-3 strawberries in a mesh chewer thing, snack puffs and wheels multiple times a day and occasional juice... and whatever he manages to steal from his teachers (So far french fries, pickle straight out of her big mac, a piece of donut and scrambled eggs- hes a sneaky thief!!)

    The doc said to just feed him whatever he wants. He is low but steady curved growth weight so as long as he doesnt gain to fast or to slow hes good...
  • @roxy ok well technically food is not necessary until one but my lo would not allow me to wait til then. She would be one mad lil mama! Lol. You could try it tho...he will let you know if he's not ready. My lo already eats table food also.
  • edited June 2012
    @roxy oh already feed him jar food and you're trying to figure out when he wants it? Sorry. I misunderstood you. We basically just have a schedule of when she gets her jar food. She eats it if she wants it and doesn't if she's full.
  • Yea he already eats jar food or oatmeal and other stuff but I just was wondering how can some one till when babys wants food but like u said its done by a schedule
  • We dont do a schedule. I feed him breast/bottle and then wait a little bit...if he is still acting hungry then I will try the food. Either he will eat it or not. Its just trial and error for us.
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