Help please, can't take much more of this

edited June 2012 in Sleep
I tried the no cry sleep solution a few weeks back & I prob did something wrong but I went from having a baby who would go in his cot fine but wake up 6-10 times a night to a baby who will scream & scream & scream for about 2 hours before he'll go to sleep & this can happen 2-3 times a night (so yes at 2am I usually give up &he sleeps with me) We have night time routine of quiet time, bath, feed & stories, then try to put him down & instant screaming, he then screams regardless of what I do, whether he's held or not & I just don't know what I'm doing wrong or how the heck I can fix it. I'm beyond exhausted. He won't go down for naps either, can only get him to nap on me or in his car seat (don't even have to take him out for a drive!!!!) He's the most gorgeous happy little thing most of the time but when it comes to going to sleep he's just awful, so please please please any advice most gratefully received :'(


  • Some babies just really need that parental comfort.
  • Maybe reflux my baby slept in a swing because it held him upright. If he laid on his back he would scream bloody munder.
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  • I cuddle my lo in my bed till i know shes out then move her into her crib
  • i had the same thing with my now ten year old. its hard. what i did was to go to bed with him, in my bed, cuddling until he was drowsy , then i would ever so gently slide myself off the bed n sit next to the bed gently patting him, then move farther n farther away until i could escape... i had to do it a number of times a night for what seemed like forever... Hang in there mama xx
  • Swing worked for us. Or perhaps try a lounger/bouncer, something that hugs them more than a flat surface.
  • I'm not sure if you have them in America but I had to get Florence treated by a cranial osteopathist. It's all to do with with the platelets in babies head. It's a gentle massage and it helped millions. Wasn't cheap but definitely worked for us xxx
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  • I LOVE craniosacral and chiro. It helps a lot!
  • @caroline8_p not the answer I was hoping for, but does make me feel less of a failure

    @candy101 I don't think its reflux, he only screams when I put him in his cot, can lie flat anywhere else, rarely spits up etc

    @HomeBirthAdvocate he's nearly 5 months old. Cosleeping causing issues with my oh & I still don't get great nights sleep as so uncomfortable

    @jennalynne87 thanks, may have to try that

    @JoshnEviesmum did you manage to eventually get him to down in his cot?

    @Crisjoe I don't have a swing & can't afford to get one & no way will he ever go to sleep in his bouncer, I've tried

    @cheryl74 I'm in the UK, I live in the middle of nowhere so nothing like that near & the money we've got coming in now doesn't cover our outgoings as it is so no chance of that but thanks for the suggestion
  • where in the UK hon? im in Essex, and i think @Cheryl74 is from Devon but i could be wrong?? and to answer your question, i did manage to get him to his cot eventually but it took a few months, i had to sit next to the cot and pat his belly for a while every night but we got there in the end. xx
  • Just thought, do u have room in your bedroom to put the cot next to your bed? if so, you could take one side of the cot railings off so that it kind of becomes an extension to your least then yoid still be next to him but you and OH would have your bed back??
  • @JoshnEviesmum I'm in Wales. & no, no room to put his cot next to our bed unfortunately but will def try what you've suggested. Guess need to give myself a break, I know there's no simple easy solution, its just hard when everyone seems to have an opinion on what I'm doing & tell me how great their babies slept/sleep, they make me feel like I'm doing a rubbish job :'(
  • aww, you arent doing a rubbish job AT ALL! Some babies are just awful sleepers at first. I know it wont help you much now, but it really doesnt last for long.When josh was little i felt as though id be stuck like that forever, but looking back now, that time was over so quickly... just keep doing what you think works best for you and bubs and sod what everyone else thinks! I guarantee you a lot more women than care to admit it have this same issue. youl get there- your Lo is still very young so its just a matter of time. if you need to vent or just wanna talk, im here. xxx
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  • My daughter would sleep everywhere but her crib too. I finally broke down and tried putting her on her stomach (i know its not reccomended) she sleeps wonderfully know in her crib (I've from 930 to 6). Putting her on her side with the baby wedge thing worked good also too. Keep trying youll get it eventually :)
  • Yeah, I'm in Devon. Check with your Dr re cranial as I know some are now doing it. It cost me £30.00 per session and she had 3 but I know there are cheaper ones around. Honestly it was a god send. She now goes down in her cot and will fall asleep on her own. She still wakes a few times occasionaly for her dummy but is 1 million times better. It's worth asking.
  • @JoshnEviesmum thank you so much xxxx

    @HomeBirthAdvocate thank you too, did suggest it to DH & he just laughed so guess no chance of any help but he may stop complaining xxxx

    @babyzoey I sure hope so

    @cheryl74 well I'll def ask if I can ever get an appt, last time I phoned was a 2 week wait!!!!!
  • I'm having problems at the moment with my two, you aren't alone hun. Riley started going through but the last two and half months have just been hellish and I'm soooo tired. Leo has always been trouble at bedtime. Really have had enough but I know trying to change the behaviour we seem to be stuck in will be hard. My partner gets annoyed as he gets tired and has long days at work so its hard to leave them crying for any length of time and I don't get much help, especially in the week. Fingers crossed, we are going to get through this hun! Xx
  • @littlenat86 sorry you're going through a rough time too, my partners the same, rarely helps out, never gets up at night, frequently disappears at bedtime & goes out a lot at weekends & then wonders why I'm annoyed at him. Hope things improve for you soon hun xxxx

    I've actually had a couple of good nights now, gave up trying to put him down awake as wasn't working for us at all. Been cuddled to sleep instead & last night slept in his cot from 7-2, quick feed, slept again til 4 then joined me in bed for another 2 hours. Am sure will all change again soon but I actually feel almost human today :-D
  • thats btilliant to hear, at least your getting some shut eye, its a start hon xx
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