New Blood Test Determines Paternity at 8 weeks gestation

edited June 2012 in Current Events

This is amazing! Now men can know they are the father without an invasive procedure and during the first trimester!


  • Wow. That's kinda cool. Really expensive though.
  • Thats awesome now they dont habe to wait till birth
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  • Yes! It is actually supposedly less than a paternity test after birth. I'm sure the price will go down with time. @angel26
  • That's a good and a bad thing. I say bad because there's guys out there who play the father role to children from birth who aren't their biological birth child. if they know before they have bonded with the child, they might run...where as if they find out after they have a better chance of continuing to be in that child's life. a father is who raises you, not necessarily the man who created you.
  • But of course every man has the right to know if they are the father or not.
  • @summergirl22 I think if he really wanted to stay..he would stay regardless.
  • @mimii36 yeah in some cases, but in other cases it's the love for the child that makes them stay...
  • Can you imagine all the pregnant women on Murray, with their ultrasound photos "look at the ultrasound picture, he looks just like you! I'm a thousand percent sure he's the father" LOL!
  • @summergirl22 then they shouldn't be staying anyway if that's all it is. They can still be there for the child and not stay. I don't think they should be "tricked" into staying.
    Btw...I hope you're taking any of this the wrong way. I'm not trying to debate or anything. So please don't take it that way :)
  • @summergirl22 lol..that's hilarious. My daughters 3d unltrasound looked just like her daddy.
  • @mimii36 I don't think they should be tricked either. I'm just saying there will probably be more fatherless kids :/ and they're already enough of them :(

    Don't worry I'm not taking it personal at all :) it has zero effect on me. both my kids are from my hubby, and there was never a question because I was with him only. Having someone else be the father was impossible.
  • Oh and I hope no one takes my last comment offensively. I don't think anything less of women (most of them away) who have more than one baby daddy.
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