? About supply/engorgement

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
The last 2 mornings I have forgot to feed my baby off my right side and by the time I'm able to pump its engorged. My question is will it mess up my supply? When I'm home with him I feed him on demand and go back and forth between boobs and he's eating like every 1 1/2 to 2 hours


  • probably not. that happened to me. even if it did, it should go back to normal in a day or two.
  • It might after awhile. I would pump if possible if you forget. Or wear a rubber band on the wrist where the last feed was that way you know
  • Doing it continuously will affect your supply :(
  • @captivated I hope to not let it happen continuously I think these last 2 mornings just happened cause I overslept and still trying to figure out a routine.. Cause usually on mornings I work I feed him from one side get ready for work then feed him from the other before I leave
  • @everyone thanks! I was just hoping that happening twice wouldn't hurt me
  • Put something like a pin on your shirt on the side you last nursed from it should help.
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