all of the sudden..

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
..I am being her pacifier. She will only go to sleep when she is nursing. It is killing me cause then when I go to lay her in her crib she wakes up. It is quarter till 11 and she is still awake. I have to be up at 5am to go to work. I cannot be her pacifier all night long. I cannot cosleep with her, it makes me nervous. I am to the point of wanting to stop! I know it seems selfish but I want my boobs back! I feel like all she did today was nurse. I feel like a cow. I guess its been a long day and I'm tired. Just needed to get that off my chest..night ladies!


  • aw dont give up!! i could only nurse for a few weeks with my son, and i wish i could of done longer. unfortunetly it might take some time for her to get use to going to bed in her crib. try it more during the day, that way night times should be easier. :)
    sorry im not much of help.
  • I love those moments :) I have mastered sleeping sitting up haha.
  • @devins_mommy she has been in her crib since she was 4 months old. She is now 7.5 months. Within the last week or so she has been refusing to go to bed and wants to nurse to go to sleep. Her bedtime use to be 7:30-8pm but the last week or so its been no earlier than 9pm. I have no idea why the sudden change of sleep. Nothing has changed like her routine or anything. It's just exhausting..I feel like most of my time is sitting on the couch nursing her for naps or bedtime. My supply has gone up since she has been wanting to nurse more..I'm not complaining about that part:-D and then after she falls asleep I dare not move otherwise she is awake and won't go back down. I think of stopping and then think I don't want to have to buy formula for like a month or two, so I keep nursing and pumping.
  • @bahamamama4828 oh I use to be able to but I would always get a kink in my neck and that part sucked!
  • That's how my son is with me I hate it and it hasn't got better
  • Co sleeping is actually pretty safe if you're not on meds or drinking. Have you tried laying down and nursing that way you both sleep?
  • My lo only nurses like that when she don't feel good or going throw a.growing spurt
  • @roxy I hope its just a phase lol
    @bahamamama4828 oh I bet it is, but both me and hubby are heavy sleepers and rolls around constantly I wouldnt be sleeping at all if she was in bed with us. I have done it a couple of times when hubby had to be at work early and I didn't want to get up was ok but I def didn't fall back asleep.
    @squirt299 she had a fever the night before from her teeth coming in plus I think she is getting her 8 month growth spurt a couple weeks early. Maybe today will be better.
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