help building supply

edited June 2012 in Breastfeeding
i am wondering what to do to build my milk supply. right now i am pumping every 2-3 hrs during the day and all i get is about 4-6 oz total all day! i want to be able to build my supply up so that i wont have to give formula which he gets most of the day. any sugestions would be helpful at this point. thank you.


  • Are you an exclusive pumper or will he latch to nurse?
  • @Bahamamama4828 exclusively pumping, he will not latch and has had problems latching since birth.
  • How old is lo? How's your water and protein. intake?
  • @Bahamamama4828 Aiden will be 4 weeks on wednesday. i drink about 6 cups of water a day and a little protein a day. i should probly be getting more protein. would that help?
  • I'm having the same issue too. I'm pumping and feeding but hes still not getting enough and I can only get 2 oz during a pumping session. Mine is 2 months old and he drinks 4oz a feeding. Ive tried mothers milk tea which helped a little. I tried fenerugreek and it decreased what little supply I had. I ordered gaia lactate support off of so ill get back to you how it did for me. But I noticed Gatorade helps a little. And GNC Total Lean protein shakes actually help as well I just ran out of them so I haven't been drinking them. Ive also starting to "power pump" that I read online. You pump on each side for 20 minutes then wait 20 minutes and do it all over again for two hours straight. So we'll see what that does for me because like you I'm desperate! :)
  • @kayleigh27 yes please let me know if it helps. and the power pumping is it one side then the other then wait 20 minutes? or pump both at same time then wait 20?
  • You do it on both sides. I'm sure it doesn't matter if you do one side at a time. I just read about it last night so I started it today.
  • edited June 2012
    Oh and you do it for 2-3 days
  • i think doin it through the night will suck but is worth it. after the 2hrs how long do you wait to start pumping again? @kayleigh27
  • I don't know I cant find anything on that. I would think another couple of hours or as regularly you do it
  • @kayleigh27 thank you i will try to see what i can find online about it
  • Are you making sure that you pump during the night too? Night pumping is super important for supply, especially for the first 6 weeks.
  • @fate I have only benefit pumpin like twice during the night. How many times should i pump at night?
  • Ben not Benefit. Sorry
  • Two/three times is good. Massage boobies before pumping to stimulate a good let down. Boobs need a good schedule just like your baby would.
  • edited June 2012
    Have you noticed anything different? I'm still getting 2 oz per pump but at least I'm not "struggling" to get there.
  • No difference yet
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