Do bigger babies take longer to reach milestones?

edited June 2012 in Ages & Stages
Both my kids are big. Not suprising as Im 5'11 and 200lbs. Josh is ten years old and 5ft 6 already, and he was 2 weeks early and weighed 8lbs 9oz when he was born. Evie was born on her due date and weighed 8lbs 12oz. With Josh, I cant remember exactly when he reached all his major milestones, because it was a decade ago, but I seem to remember he was 'lazy'. Evie is now almost 8 months and doesnt crawl, not even army style, has only recently started rolling, and does that very rarely, and has yet to say any words or pull herself up. My thinking is that maybe, because they weigh more than a smaller baby, or a more 'normal sized child' they find it more difficult to crawl, walk, roll etc because there is more to move as it were. I hope this is the case, as Im getting slightly concerned about Evie progress. She does sit unsupported and can scoot on the floor, but has always hated tummy time so I never really put her on her front much. Has anybody else had a similar experience with 'big babies'? BTW she currently weighs 24lbs.


  • @bettymomma yeah I guess, I just worry that she isnt doing a few of the things that other kids her age are. If it was just one area I wouldnt be too concerned, but she seems to be taking her time with lots of things...
  • My little girl was 6.12oz 20.5" she hasnt gone for her 9 month check yet but Im going to say 15-16lbs and 28-30"
    she started sitting at 6 months but didnt start crawling til 2 days ago! (shes 9 months on 30th) shes also just starting to try pulling up but hasnt succeeded yet. No words yet either except dada.
  • @heyitsme Thank you mama, i feel liike I just let out a huge breath. I think, because I see all the Novemer babies on here reaching this milestone, that milestone, it just really notices that Evies not up there with them yet. I feel a bit better knowing that she isnt the only one!
  • My son was born 8#9oz and at 1 yr he was 32# he crawled at 7 months but didn't walk till 14.5m
    The Foster baby I take care of is 18# and 8m he doesn't have no interest in crawling but rolls every where he wants to go.
  • You're welcome! Heck, my sil's little boy is 1 week older than mine and hes not even sitting up!
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  • @mmy21nttc Thats really reassuring, thanks!
    @Heyitsme- Really? Wow, is his mom worried?
    @homebirthadvocate Yup, Im sure hoping thats all it is. In England, we dont have designated pedi's but just a family doctor, so its not as easy to get reassurances or answers to questions, but I will definitely be asking her health visitor if shes on track at her 1 year appointment, Thanks.
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  • No worries, Thanks for the input! @homebirthadvocate
  • A Dr once told my friend who had a 7.5 lb baby that her baby was chunky and might take time to crawl sit up or walk. My baby came out 9.7 lbs and hit all her milestones at a great pace. My 9.15 lb baby who is 2 months can support his weight since he was born...don't think weight is an issue
  • @kayleigh27 Thanks. Thats great that your lo can support their weight already!
  • edited June 2012
    Savanah is 9 months tomorrow and she was 7.12 at birth. She started sitting unsupported at almost 6 months, army crawling mothers day, and just started really crawling a few days ago and isn't pulling up yet so she's on the slower side. But she's pretty advanced in speech she can say momma, dada, nanna, baba, hi, hey, hello, yuck, bye bye, and her newest word is dog! And a few others
  • @chelcie89 aww, i cant wait to have Evie talking! All she does right now is shake her head no, and laugh whenever we tell her no...
  • No she's not concerned. but I would be!
    I worry about everything though lol. also in Canada we don't have pediatricians either unless there is concerns. then we get referred to one. sucks!
  • @heyitsme, yup its horrible! But then, we dont pay upfront, so in a way, we get substandard care, at least, thats how it is over here... And yep, I would be concerned if i was your SIL!
  • I've heard that bigger babies can take longer to become mobile, and idk if it was her size but it seemed true with Tessa. She didn't master rolling til almost 6 months, sat up at 7, crawled at 9 and is cruising now at 10 and 1/2. She's right on track now, but it seemed like she got a late start compared to other babies. She was 5 wks early, but was always in the 95th percentile for weight once she hit 2 months old lol.
  • @starrxoxo9 LMAO at 82 weeks pregnant! hahahaha
    on another note, my 8 mo doesnt sit very well and doesnt crawl or walk, just scoots on her butt when she is laying flat. she is a fatty too haha
  • @blessedtxmom, @starrxoxo9 @bahamamama4828, thanks ladies, I feel much better knowing that shes not the only one taking her time.
  • @bahamamama4828 omg that damn ticker lol I always forget its there because I'm always on my phone lol
  • Savanah laughs and talks alot and she shakes her head no all the time. She also will patty cake and gives kisses and loves (snuggles up to you like a hug without putting her arms around you)
  • My 9mo weighs almost 27 pounds. He was 9# 11oz at birth. He is very laid back & easy going. He just recently started army crawling. I think it's more of a personality thing. He just kind of sits back & "takes it all in."
    Now my next biggest baby was 9# 5oz at birth & started turning over at 6 weeks, crawling at the end of 4 months & walking at 8 months! He's a teenager now & has tons of energy & only sleeps 5 or 6 hours a night.
    All that is just to say I think it depends on the baby & their personality more than anything.
    The latest any of mine have walked was at 18 months. He's 7 now & just enjoys taking his time & is never in a hurry.
    Hope that helps! :)
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