Help! tmi

I had sex Friday and Saturday I realized I had two small "cuts" in my vagina...from having sex. I dried up a little once and we also had sex for a few hours so I'm thinking I probably just "tore" a little. Anyway...its kind of uncomfortable. I was wondering if I could use diaper rash cream?


  • owieeee :( I honestly don't know but I wanted to be totally useless and stop by anyway :)
  • If they're actually inside your vagina, I wouldn't put anything up there. But if the cuts are more outside, like on the lips, I'd use an antibacterial cream. One that's a pain reliever too. But I'm not a Dr so idk if that's right, that's just what I would do lol ;)
  • @redshadoe0 fortunately it isn't very painful. Just itchy.

    @starrxoxo9 yea they are at the vaginal opening so I probably shouldn't.
  • @mimii36 have you also been feeling the following

    1) Ran down or tired?
    2) your body has been sore or sluggish?
    3) feeling fly like symptoms?
    4) itchy or tingling sensation in that area?
    5) is the cut where the dry and wet part of your vagina meet?
  • Maybe try a little hydrocortisone ointment. They gave it to me after I gave birth so its safe to put down there.
  • If its itchy.. its probably not a rip. Sounds like HSV
  • If its a tear/cut, it happens to me alllll the time, you wouldnt want to use diaper rash ointment because of any open areas. I would just wait it out or use the cortisone ointment @starrxoxo9 mentioned.

    Did you by chance shave prior down there? Withinthe last day or two? If so, you may have gotten a small cut right around the thin skin near the opening. After sex it will be painful and irritated. I hate it.
  • @ynvtish no to all those questions. What's HSV? Geez you have me worried now. Lol

    @captivated no I didn't shave. That has happened to me before tho. That is painful! This fortunately is not...its just a tad bit itchy kind of like a very minor yeast infection. Not itchy enough that I have to scratch.
  • @starrxoxo9 so its safe even on the "inside".
  • If its just the inner part of the opening it should be ok.
  • If It's itchy sounds like a HSV out break. Herpes... 75% of people have it in their blood stream and don't even know it.

    Have you or your honey had a cold sore in your mouth lately
  • Herpes are actual sores. I'm sure you would notice as they are painful as well. I would not put any ointment on the inside, even if it isn't deep. It could actually worsen it by offsetting you pH balance. I would check to see if you actually do have a yeast imbalance?
  • Herpes are actual sores. I'm sure you would notice as they are painful as well. I would not put any ointment on the inside, even if it isn't deep. It could actually worsen it by offsetting you pH balance. I would check to see if you actually do have a yeast imbalance?
  • @captivated it isn't painful at all.
  • Sorry for the double post. :(

    I wouldn't be worried at all. All you can do is wait it out. If it keeps up for a few days, then I would begin looking into other possibilities. Dont think there is much you can do for the itchyness.
  • It can look like small cuts an be itchy id jus c how long it last but I'm sure its nuthn :)
  • @captivated... That's not true. The abrasions can appear as sores, small cuts, rips and scratches.. I would call your OBGYN and go and have them looked at and tested. Definitely don't wait. Your OBGYN she see what they look like now.
  • I'm telling you... You would be surprised to know 75% of people have them... And had them for years and never knew because they mistaken them for something minor.
  • Oh really? I've only seen them as sores @ynvtish.
  • @captivated ... Most people can only identify them when they're in a sore form. This why moat people don't know they have them. The reason why I say @mimii36 should go get tested is because it itches and it starts to heal but after sex/friction it flares back up. After about 3 to 7 days it will go away.
  • Ohh. That's very good info @ynvtish. So sorry for the incorrect info!
  • @captivated.. LOL .. its all good! There has been MANY things you've corrected me on.

    I'm a old dog... Still learning new tricks.LOL
  • Haha! Old dog. A hawt old dog!
  • @vynvtish @aptivated thank you so much ladies! I'm on vacay right now so I can't make an appt but I will asap! @ynvtish can I only be tested for it when its flared up? Or can I go anytime?
  • U can request a bloodtest that's Wat I wuld do to be sure
  • But I got bloodtest done when I was pregnant. I've had sex with the same person since then. @Mrz_Jackson if I had it...shouldn't it have showed then?
  • No u have to ask for the hsv test I had 2 kids an was never tested for it I had to tell them I wanted that test
  • edited July 2012
    The only time you can be swobbed for HSV is when its present during an out break. Even tho HSV stays in your blood stream for life you cant detect it through an actual blood test, the doctor rubs the area with a Q-Tip and sends it to the lab. @mimii36 call and go visit your Dr girl just to rule it out.
  • That is what I thought @YNVTish.
  • Yea that is the only time u can get swabbed but since ur on vacation an cant get to the Dr u can get a blood test with no outbreak it will test for hsv1 an hsv 2
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