Help! tmi
I had sex Friday and Saturday I realized I had two small "cuts" in my vagina...from having sex. I dried up a little once and we also had sex for a few hours so I'm thinking I probably just "tore" a little. Anyway...its kind of uncomfortable. I was wondering if I could use diaper rash cream?
@starrxoxo9 yea they are at the vaginal opening so I probably shouldn't.
1) Ran down or tired?
2) your body has been sore or sluggish?
3) feeling fly like symptoms?
4) itchy or tingling sensation in that area?
5) is the cut where the dry and wet part of your vagina meet?
Did you by chance shave prior down there? Withinthe last day or two? If so, you may have gotten a small cut right around the thin skin near the opening. After sex it will be painful and irritated. I hate it.
@captivated no I didn't shave. That has happened to me before tho. That is painful! This fortunately is not...its just a tad bit itchy kind of like a very minor yeast infection. Not itchy enough that I have to scratch.
Have you or your honey had a cold sore in your mouth lately
I wouldn't be worried at all. All you can do is wait it out. If it keeps up for a few days, then I would begin looking into other possibilities. Dont think there is much you can do for the itchyness.
I'm a old dog... Still learning new tricks.LOL