I feel like....

edited July 2012 in Breastfeeding
So I had my baby girl July 2nd and Ive been breastfeeding her only. And she is eating every 30 min to an hour. N 20/30min on each boob. But I feel like she is not getting full. N I hear her cry n I start to cry because she is hurting because of me. Dose anybody have ANY pointers or foods that would fill me up with out getting me to fat n would fill her up to the point that she eats normal times????
They told me n the hospital that she is cluster feeding because she is small. But I though that was going to last for a couple of days.

Im losing hope n thinking of formula feeding her but I don't want to.
Pls girls I need help.


  • Cluster feeding happens whenever she is upping your supply...so it will happen often. Also breast milk is very easily digestable so it's totally normal for her to eat that often, this early on. With Ollie he loved him some boob! LoL he was on it every 30 min to an hour! I swear I didn't leave the house for weeks because he was just always eating lol. Your doing a great job hun, don't doubt yourself!! Just let your LO eat as long as she wants as often as she wants and it will be fine. Remember that she cries bc she has no other way to let you know she is hungry...not bc your a bad mommy.
  • Oh so its normal??
    N thank you I actually started to cry when I read the end. thank you @ashley_smashley...it doesn't hurt to hear it every once n awhile.
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  • Don't worry about weight I ate everything I could get my hands on the first month or two and still lost 20lbs. And i didn't eat healthy if u could nuke it I ate it.
  • Yea but only some of the fat goes to the boobs n the other goes to my flabby stomach. N ill try water drinking n the warm pad. They told me about the warm pad n the hospital but I didn't really think it worked.
    N when I pump I get a FULL 5 Oz bottle n a half of another one. @RileyAndMe
  • Yep totally normal Hunny! And the PP is right make sure you keep up on eating enough calories and drinking enough water! Pat yourself on the back your doing great!
  • R u sure ill,lose wight???
    Because I lost 20 right after I had her.
    N I really dont want to gain it back. Do u think if I eat healthy ill make good milk 4 her??? @char
  • Also check her tongue for tongue tie.
  • Thank you sweety.
    Like what has more calories?? Like only fatty foods???
    N im also taking pain medication n they really take hunger away from me. N just dont want to eat. But I make my self eat n I try to eat fattys but I still see my milk to light when I pump. Could that be it to???
  • Whats that????!!??
    Whats dose it look like???
  • look for a heart shape on tip of tongue. there might be a piece of skin holding down the tongue where baby cants stick it out past the lips. all my babies including myself had this and it interfered with nursing. I had my last baby clipped at 2 days old and she was nursing every 15 min LOL.
    some babies dont have issues with getting milk out with a tongue tie and never need it clipped but others it creates issues for both mom and baby with pain and poor weight gain.
  • also does your milk look like cloudy water? that could be a foremilk imbalance. if that is the case try nursing baby on the same side at 2 separate feedings and then repeat on the other side at the next 2 feedings.
  • Omg really do they check for that in the hospital??? So its curable??
  • they dont check unless you ask the lactation consultant about it. well, its not a cure so to speak, just needs clipped if your baby has it. most pedis wont clip it and some midwives are trained in it but baby might have to see an ENT (ear, nose, throat) doctor.
  • it doesnt bother baby all that much and they nurse right away to stop the little bit of bleeding and soothe it. :)
  • Yea it loks like if u made a 4oz bottle of formula with only one scoop of milk. U know wat I mean?? N ok I'll do that. N,what does it do by doing that??
  • Oh, so it hurts mom more then baby?? N does it also affect them if they are bottle fed??
  • can you link me a pic of your bm so i can see? if thats not too weird to ask lol and maybe babys tongue?
    what does what do? the nursing on one side twice? it helps baby get more the hindmilk which is fattier. and if youre talking about the tongue, it helps make a more efficient nurser :)
  • bottle not so much because its easier to get out of that nipple. the clipping doesnt really hurt but the tongue tie and baby nursing hurts moms nipples
  • Yea it was about the feeding on each side. N I will but later on tomorrow because I pumped today n its electrical n it makes to much noise n the fam,is asleep @Bahamamama4828
  • It really is normal! Don't doubt yourself! It really is important you eat eat eat. You need the extra calories to make all that milk! I recomment oatmeal, like steel cut oat, none of the instant kind, and drink water while you're nursing. My 8 month old DD is going through a growth spurt and has been wanting to nurse every hour. I swear as soon as she patches and I take a drink, it feels like the water makes my milk come out. Your body is amazing and knows what to do. Good job mama, and keep it up!
  • edited July 2012
    How do you know so much?? You have been so much help!! I will send you the picture tomorrow ok....she just woke up n I fed her.n she fell right to bed. That means she got full right??, its a Good sign right?? I never had this problem with my son. He ate perfectly.
  • Thank you and ok I'll tell my husband to buy some when he goes food shopping any brand you recommend???
  • I only brand I've seen and bought at Walmart is John McCanns oats. But I think any non instant oatmeal will work. If I feel like I'm not making enough or for some reason my supply is low, I also drink mothers milk tea, in the tea section, and fenugreek, in the vitamin aisle. Both help a lot @CANT_WAIT93. It gets easier to tell that they are full as they get older. Do you burp in between switching breasts? That will help get gas out and make room for more milk, and keep her fuller for a longer period of time.
  • Yea I do burp her..well try because sometimes she doesn't burp... Do they sell that tea at Walmart?? @alymaries
  • Yeah its in the yes section where all the boxed teas are. Its called mothers milk tea.
  • Fatty foods have more calories, but that doesn't mean that's what you should eat lol. You need a good balance of protein, good carbs, fruits and vegetables. You can eat more of these things without worrying about weight gain.
  • She's so little, her tummy is still tiny, so she's going to eat little bits often. It's totally normal! She's probably enjoying the sucking, too. Just when you feel like you'll have your boob out all day, every day, she'll start to even out and take more in one feeding. And please don't worry about weight/diet. Eat healthy, get a little exercise, and drink lots of water. I gained a little weight breastfeeding my son and hate it, but when I tried to diet, HE lost weight. :-( It's one of the sacrifices of mommyhood. I figure I can work to get my body back at any time, but I only have this one year or two to give my baby the wonderful benefits of mommy's milk. :-)
  • Wow really!! Man I hope that can happen to me really! Thank you @kristaf22 for your comment. It really made me think about not stressing about my wight. The only thing is. Is that I'm scared I'm reach a wight that I wouldn't be able to lose or it would be harder.

    Any kind of vegetable or/and fruit?? or are there some that are better then others?? @starrxoxo9

    Thank you so much! Your input really made me think. And its true because I can eat but not so much fat only to a limit but not to point that I starve self or her...thank you A bunch. I really like how you put it. Thank you @Ourlittlenugget

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