So scared.....can't believe this is happening :( **UPDATE AT BOTTOM



  • @HomeBirthAdvocate @BabyLuv8 @Prayin_4_twins @trixiesmom8 Thanks guys, I appreciate the support

    @ashley_smashley Thank you so much, I am so sorry that you are also going through shitty is this, boo! I'm so sad, but I'm also scared and nervous. It is hard just "waiting" for something to happen. I haven't had any spotting or bleeding and I kind of just want it to be over with :-(
  • Ya me to! I started bleeding pretty heavy today, and passing clots, so my body is doing what it needs to do....which I am greatful for...but it's still sad. The waiting is hard tho. I waited all day Tuesday for something substantial to happen. Keep faith that your body will do what it needs to. Do you have another dr appt soon? I have another one on the 25th to make sure all is cleaned out.
  • I'm praying for u:(
  • I'm so sorry you're going though this, it's an unexplainable pain that only those who have been there can understand. I hope everything goes quickly for you. You're in my prayers, let us know how you're doing & if you need anything. If you want to ask questions, please do, or if you just need to talk about anything, we're here for you. (((hugs)))
  • @blessedtimes2 thank you so much, I appreciate it!
    @Wilsonmom thank you so much! I've been following your story as well and can't even imagine what you had to go through! I was curious why the doctor told you that you wouldn't actually see a baby, just tissue??!! What a precious little baby he was.
    @ashley_smashley I don't have an actual dr appt, just blood work, they just said that they would recheck my HCG level weekly until it basically got back down to zero.
  • Gotcha. They are song the same with me but Iguess they just want to be double sure. How are you doing this morning?
  • @baileygoise @ashley_smashley Ladies i am very sorry you are going through this. If you are on facebook find me i can get you ladies to a great support group to help you. Prayers for you both!
  • @ashley_smashley I'm doing okay. Took the day off of work so I could just have a day to stay home...and well....just be sad & cry :( Are you having any discomfort with your bleeding? How are you doing?
    @Babynewyear2012 Thank you, I'll find you
  • That's good that you are taking some 'me' time. I have been bleeding since Tuesday but yesterday it got pretty heavy. Also a lot of cramping and pain. My husband has been super helpful thru all of this, which I am so greatfull for! I have been so wrapped up with Ollie that I have t had time to be sad yet, but I feel that building.

    @babynewyear2012 thank you!
  • @ashley_smashley Yes, thank God for awesome husbands! My nurse told me that when the placenta passes is when you have the heaviest bleeding and the worst cramping, maybe that's what was going on yesterday for you. You need to take some "me" time too and allow yourself time to be sad :-((
    How old is Ollie?
  • @baileygoose...tell me your name so i know to accept you.
  • Yeah the bleeding got so heavy for me that I was filling those big ass hospital pads and runnin to the bathroom right befor baby past I was 10 weeks but baby died at 8 @ashley_smashley @baileygoose I am prayin for u last and if u need Anything my loves I am here
  • @baileygoose u are very welcomed!
  • Idk why the dr told me I wouldn't see the baby? Maybe so I wouldn't freak out about it, idk. I know that I prayed & wanted to see the baby though & God answered. He looked exactly like in the dream, it was so weird. Did you find the fb group from babynewyear2012? It's been extremely helpful for me. Hope you're having a better day today, but if not I completely understand!
  • @wilsomom i added her. She is the one i just posted about.
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