Anyone have a baby before 36 weeks?

edited July 2012 in Third Trimester
I'm still a little freaked out by the thought of a c-section, but last night I wasn't feeling any movements, and after I was let out of L&D I felt a few...very few..and today it's back to the same thing. No movements. I'm starting to stress out about the fact that I'm not feeling any movements, and I'm the only person home besides my 1 year old son. The baby is normally active through out the day, but ever since the other night movements have been few and far in between. She passed the biophysical 8/8 and the SD was 2.5, but the NST wasn't good enough for the nurse in L& the physician she was talking to suggested they do the 2 tests, and then if they weren't good, they'd go ahead and take the baby.

I can only imagine having a baby in the NICU. I don't know how well I'd cope with that. Taking care of my 1 year old drains me enough, but having to go back and forth to the hospital to care for a preemie would really get to me. Would they even let me pump, and supply breastmilk to the baby if she was taken at this time? I don't want to give another baby formula, let alone have to argue with the nurses in there about what I want to feed her. The nurse last night at L&D was rude I don't want to deal with anymore rude ladies there.

@rileyandme I think I seen you post somewhere that you were having the same issue with fetal movements, and they did an emergency csection?


  • My cousin had her little girl at 34 weeks and she was able to pump to proved breastmilk for her second baby the hospital should let you hun.
  • *provide even -.-
  • @aubreysmommy do you know how long she was in the NICU for? But that's good to know, I'm just hoping things change and baby goes head down, and starts moving regularly again.
  • Mine was born 30 weeks no movement and hemorrhaging.
  • @bahamamama4828 was the movements decreasing over a period of time or just all of a sudden?
  • Her baby was in the nicu for 2 weeks she had complications
  • It was all of a sudden.
  • I had Tessa at 35+3 and she spent 6 days in the nicu. It sucked.
  • Out of my 3 kids, my 2nd was born at 35 weeks and my last was born at 30 weeks. I don't know what your hospital is like, but the NICU that my babies stayed in strongly encouraged me and all the other mothers to pump & bring the breastmilk for the baby. They even told me that it was extra important to give preemies breast milk. My 30 weeker was born last Sept, I have 2 older kids, 9 and 3, it was hard, but my family was so helpful so my husband and I could be at the hospital as much as possible. I don't know how many weeks you are, but depending on how early your baby is, will really play a factor in how long he/she will be there. Stay positive :). My 35 weeker was not delayed at all & even walked before her 1st birthday. And my baby has done amazing as well. He was 3 lbs at birth and now weighs 17. Sorry to write a novel, I don't post very often at all, but definitely understand the whole preemie thing.
  • @starrxoxo9 did you have preterm labor?
  • I had Kaylee at 34 weeks via csection
  • @hanerc I'm only 33 weeks. My last was over due, so I know nothing about preemies. The Hospital seems pretty pro breastfeeding, but I'm not for sure about the nicu. Can I ask why your last 2 were born before 36 weeks? And thank you for sharing :)
  • The doctors don't really know why, with my daughter (35 weeker) I was having contractions, not really thinking I was in labor and showed up to the hospital dialated to a 9. With my son, my water broke and we were able to hold off labor for 4 days. In that time, I was able to get steroids to mature his lungs, which was really important. All my doctor can think is that I have a weak cervix. I wish I knew for sure what caused it. My sis in law had her baby at 32 wks due to high blood pressure. With the way medicine is nowadays, your baby will be fine if you end up having to deliver. The NICU is hard. After my daughter was born, she was only in for 8 days, and I hoped that I'd never have a preemie again. Unfortunately I didn't get that lucky and my son was in there for 4 1/2 weeks. It's hard leaving them there, but there is comfort in knowing that they are being watched extremely close. Any questions you have, you are more than welcome to inbox me if you want :)
  • It's hard having a preemie, but you'll learn and adapt to life with one if you end up having to deliver early. NICUs are very pro breastfeeding/pumping. They say to expect your baby to need to be in the hospital until around their due date, but some babies do better and leave quickly. My son was 32+4 and came home 15 days after he was born. I had preterm labor with him that ended in his this time around I'm getting progesterone shots 16-35 weeks. Once a week. Ack. Your little girl will be just fine if she's born right now. Hopefully you have a lot of support around to help with your son if you end up delivering soon.
  • Nope, I was totally surprised! I was borderline gestational diabetic though, and they said my fluid was low when she was born. Those were the only two guesses they had as to why she came early.
  • Most hospitals prefer to give preemies breastmilk because they tolerate it much better than formula. I'm a milk donor for Prolacta, and the milk is used exclusively for preterm and sick babies in the NICU. Stay strong; whatever happens you can handle it! :-)
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  • edited November 2014
  • yes, at the hospital i had my son, they encouraged all mamas to pump if baby was too little to latch. by 34 weeks baby should be able to latch after birth. if there are any issues then baby might need a nasal gavage or oral so that way they can be tube fed the pumped milk and human milk fortifier. I am not sure about bottle feeding at your hospital but if they push it, dont let them, make sure you get to nurse or use an NG or OG. Of course, that is IF baby comes early.
    when I had my son, there was a baby born just as early and the mom refused to pump or nurse and that baby had SO many problems like NEC and respiratory. it was very sad because all these other babies were doing so well including my own. they tried to encourage her to pump but it was a no go.
    at 30 weeks when my son was born, the chance of survival was 99%.
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