sleeping through the night

edited July 2012 in Sleep
How old was your lo when he/she started sleeping through the night? Were they on a routine schedule?

My son is going on 4 weeks and I wanted to see if I can get him on a schedule or at least sleep through the night. Tia:)


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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate let me add that he sleeps during the day and fights sleep at night. I don't necessarily mean not wake up at all at night, but to go back to sleep after eating.
  • Mine did 5-8 hours right away, but months 3-6 were rough. We finally figured out a schedule and routine around 6 months and he's been consistently sleeping 11 hours since about 7 months. I think he would've done it earlier if I had taught him to fall asleep on his own instead of nursing him to sleep. I didn't mind though. :-)
  • My daughter just started to and she is 14 months. She did really good till about 8 months then decided she wasn't going to anymore.
  • my daughter started sleeping through the night at about 2 months but has had her months where she goes back to not sleeping through but for the most part she does. When she was that age it was like she had her days and nights mixed up so I made sure that I made day and night distinctly different. During the day I had it bright and the tv on or music and talking at normal volumes even during her naps. and at night I would do her night time routine which was a bath and we would wake around the apartment turning the lights off and no noise no tv and whispers. and when she did wake up at night I never talked to her it was all business diaper change feeding back in the crib oh and i never turned on lights just used her night light which is always on. she eventually figured out getting up at night is not fun! Thats where I started but she will wake up to eat but just make it all business and no play.
  • Mine were both around eight weeks old and it was a set schedule
  • Mine was around 2 months when he started sleeping thru the night..
  • My daughter was 3 weeks so in my experience it is very possible :). I just got her on a routine which did the trick and not only did we start getting better rest but that's when she began to be very happy baby.
  • It takes about 3 weeks for a newborn to recognize their own hunger, therefore you should never allow a newborn to go more than 5 hours without eating. If you are breastfeeding they will eat more frequently as breast milk is digested easily, also remember their tummies are very small and hold very little food, so frequent feedings is very normal.
  • My daughter started sleeping through the night right before she turned 3 months and has been ever since and she just turned 10 months yesterday
  • it was different with all 3 of my kids. my first started sleeping 6-8 hours a night which was through the night for him at 6-8 weeks, he was bottle fed. my second started sleeping through the night around 9 months and he was both bottle and breast. and my third is 9 mo and just barely started sleeping 6 hours recently and thats sleeping through for her and shes up all day now.
  • Every child is different.....both my girls were sleeping through the night by 4 weeks.
  • @KylieMommie @Chelcie89 @Jules @firsttymemom @My2Boys what was your night time routine? :) I have hope that my son can sleep through the night

    @LilliansMom thanks for the advise! I will definitely start making the distinction:)
  • @Victoriarenee. I would feed her right before bedtime and then I would let her fall asleep with me then I would transfer her to her bassinett next to my bed and they would just sleep. For some reason this worked with both my girls. I would just get into a bedtime routine. I know it is not the norm to sleep through the night at such a young age though.
  • Savanahs bedtime routine is just dinner (baby food and/or whatever we're eating) around 7 then she hangs out with us in her high chair while we finish eating. Bath about 7:30 bottle about 8 then quiet play time in her crib with one toy until she falls asleep which is usually between 8:30 and 9. She puts herself to sleep every night and wakes up between 7 and 8
  • Well back then I would give her a bath, play with her, read, feed her, then put her down.
  • We'd have a bottle between 6-7 then bath time around 7-730, then we would rock him around 8-830 til he fell sleep. And he had to be on his belly, he's slept that way since we brought him from the hospital. And sometimes our routine would vary depending if we were out visiting or not. And we never woke him to feed him thru the night, if he got hungry he'd wake and let us know, but I refused to wake my sleeping baby.
  • Mine around 6 weeks with a schedule.
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