
My boobs are so huge and hard as a rock. They hurt and I cant seem to get them to go down. Any advise on,what I can do? My daughter cant even latch on.


  • Hand express some and then nurse frequently
  • Hand express a little out, or go stand in the shower with hot water hitting your chest.
  • Go buy a cheap hand pump and express enough for the pain to go away
  • I have an electric pump and ive been using it but my nipple is just too swollen and hard to where she cant latch on. Its been like this for about 2 days
  • It will go down. Keep pumping and nursing so your supply doesn't suffer. It should feel better in about another day. Your body is still trying to figure out how many babies you had. Pump first, feed after. Babies are super efficient in getting more milk out than a pump can, so even if you pump until it stops dripping, she will stimulate you enough to get more milk. Before I pump, I roll my nipples between my thumb and forefinger to simulate baby's sucking motion. It drops the milk almost instantly.
  • @fate ok thank you. I was massaging my boob while i pumped and it seemed to work they are finally going down and im able to bf again :)

    @everyone thanks for all the info
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