nursing on a plane ride...

edited August 2012 in Breastfeeding
Have you nursing mommas done it? I fly with my dd in November (she will be 11months then) I am just nervous I will get rude looks or comments. I'm a hot head so I know I won't take it lightly. I know I have to nurse her going up and coming down. But what happens if she stops how long does she have to nurse until its fine its all kinda stressing me out. Especially since I am flying alone with her! It's a little over a three hour flight! Also I am not bringing a stroller so I have to carry her and my purse annnd my diaper bag ahhh!


  • I did when my son was little. There was a mom behind me nursing her toddler. We were so crammed no one noticed or cared :)
  • Ok good! It's still so nerve racking for me! Guess I should invest in a good nursing cover! @Bahamamama4828
  • Lol good luck, yours might pull it off. Mine was 4 mo at the time.
  • Screw what anyone thinks! I say be proud, hold your head high and tell anyone to GTH and mind their own business. Although, with all the breastfeeding buzz I doubt you'll be harassed. I'm proud of you!
  • @Mijita I know right I should! I am so proud of it I just know its really hard for me to hold my tongue if someone where to say something. I would be the momma getting escorted off the flight. Then calling the news for a story haha.
  • First... seriously grab San outside seat if you can. In case of diaper change. I flew 5hrs straight, when Malia was 6 mo, twice.. nobody looked or cared. The way home I had a window seat and sat next to a Guy my age and his GD/wife, with no kids obviously. I felt so bad I had to wake them to get up and change Malia. Lol
  • @Bahamamama4828 thank you! I hope she does good. Sitting still is not her best forte! Haha.

    @caroline8_p thanks for the tip! That is sooo smart! Knowing Brinley she will take a dump as the plane is taking off haha. Oh my poopin girl!
  • edited August 2012
    I have breastfed tons in public and believe me I waited for the day for someone to say something to me. I'm still breastfeeding a year later and have never been approached once. They must see the crazy alert sign above my head, lol.

    I say rehearse a tactful comeback for any enlightened people out there. One that will put them in their place and make then regret opening their mouths.
  • Do you give her juice? Maybe keep a juice cup or bottle ready just in case she decides to stop. I know at that age my son rarely got juice so when he did he sucked it down so that kept him occupied long enough. He was 14 m his first trip.
  • @Blushing_mommy Most airlines will check the stroller for free at the gate, don't make it more stressful than you need to hun. The nursing helps with the ears popping, so if she stops or doesn't seem bothered about it, I'm sure you'll be fine. :)
  • I did it. My son was about six months. It's an awesome way to get a whole row to yourself!!! Everyone was so horrified that they requested to move seats. Bahaha. EXCEPT this one guy...creeper. I was feeding my son and he kept looking at me. Then he told me how beautiful a woman's breast is and how amazing it is to see someone breastfeed...I requested them to move HIS @ss.
  • I did when my daughter was 5 months. I also did not bring stroller/carseat and was by myself. I had to nurse her at the gate which was my first time in public because I'm very shy and always planned outings after feelings. Anyway, I just minded my own business just like u would like others to do. I did not notice anyone being offended. Also on the plan the people next to me just knew what I was doing and gave me privacy they did not look and I think they were ok with it because they helped entertain her! Also I just nursed until she stopped which worked good for me by then we were up in the air but I did wait until we were going up not just taxing bc I too wanted to make sure it was long enough
  • Oh but good luck I just flew again with my daughter when she was 11 months and that was much harder bc she was way more mobile and didn't sleep nearly as much! Hard to come up with things to do
  • I do it every time we fly.. He's normally sleep before the plane takes off.. I do use a cover. And I haven't had any weird looks.. If anything smiles ;-) He's 9 mos.. Hopefully he will continue this when he's 11 mos too
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