starting to come to terms..

edited August 2012 in Breastfeeding
So I am starting to come to terms with stopping. My daughter will be 9 months on wed. When I pump I get 5 to 6 oz on a good day, where as when I first started to pump when I went back to work I was getting that much out of one boob. I know that I shouldn't compare with that, but she seems to not be getting full at night. The last few nights she has been getting up every 2 hours now I don't feed every time she gets because some times she go back to sleep when I give her her pacifier back, but by the second or third time she gets up she is up and I usually can get her to go back to sleep by nursing her, but the last couple of times she won't, hubby ends up getting up cause by that point I'm tired and need sleep so he will pull out milk from our freezer stash and she passes out when the bottle is gone. So I am starting to think I'm not making enough to satisfy her so she can sleep all night long. I am very proud of how far I've made it, I just thought I would be the one stopping it on my terms not because I am losing my supply.

Sorry for my novel, I just needed to get it off my chest.


  • Maybe she is going through a growth spurt, around that age my daughter was waking more often to eat and she was on formula. If you decide to stop be super proud at how long you went.
  • She just had a growth spurt at 8 months I thought..ugh idk. @morgdeebee
  • I have been nursing in the morning and b4 naps untill I dry up. My lo is nine months to hey that is so much better than I planned. Good job!!
  • My son did that as well. If she is having wet and dirty diapers, shes getting enough :) I just nursed through it! Anyways, applause to you for making it this far! My son is one and I am getting a little tired of breastfeeding! Sigh, but we will continue on.
  • It is great you have made it thus far! Like the others said, pay attention to wet diapers..could be a mini growth spurt and possible she wants to nurse alot because she is away from you. Some moms cant pump very much so it hurts the supply a little and when mom comes home from work, baby nurses so much to make up for it. :)
  • @char so very true! I never thought I would make it this far.
    @captivated she def has enough wet and poppy diapers so no concern there. Maybe i need to just keep nursing and it will be better and maybe its time to add a 3 solid meal.
    @bahamamama4828 but me being away hasn't changed since I went back to work when she was 6 weeks old. I use to be able to pump a ton and within the last month it has gone down a lot. Maybe cause she is on solids 2x a day?
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  • @homebirthadvocate maybe? Maybe the breasts get use to pumping and it doesn't do as well of a job like it did in the beginning? Lol idk.
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