starting baby on table food

edited August 2012 in Solid Foods
my dd will be 10 months and only has 3 bottom teeth,she chews well,i give her chicken mashed potatoes & pasta,she doesn't have a huge interest in baby food .what can i give her & when do i minimize formula feedings?


  • Around 11 months my daughter would only eat what we were eating and completely took herself off baby food. We also started her around 11 months on cows milk because she had ZERO interest in formula anymore.
  • @morgdeebee what kind of foods would you give her
  • Really whatever we were eating just cut up small. She hasnt had any issue with chewing anything other then apples but that's just because she shovels things in her mouth lol
  • ^^^agreed :) anything you eat is fine, as long as its not known allergen or your baby does fine with them. Just watch the salt
  • The only thing she hasn't had is peanut butter because I'm paranoid, and honey because I thinly you're supposed to wait till two.
  • @morgdeebee i get so nervous because she just stuffs her mouth,do u give your dd meats?
  • Yeah she gets meats, I only put a little on her tray and will.add more as she finishes what I have already given her.
  • Mine was totally off baby food at 8 months. I do a lot of fruits and veggies. As well as the graduates meals like chicken and stars, vegetable rice with turkey, the stuffed ravioli. It is made for toddlers by the baby food. For breakfast we do the oatmeal ones.
  • I found that if I just throw all the food on his tray he will stuff his mouth and then choke. So I add a piece or two of meat and the same with veggies.
  • Gerber makes meals for babies/toddlers. My 10 month old isnt very interested in baby food anymore so we are using the gerber meals and whatever we are eating. Just small bites.
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  • My son eats whatever we eat, but when he wants fed before dinner or lunch time I just use the Gerber Graduates things. He loves them. Try giving her avocodo, and small pieces of moist meat.

    @captivated my son loves the pasta stars & chicken & vegetables!
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