Stupid insurance! {Vent}

edited August 2012 in Health
It would be super awesome if Triwest covered naturopathic doctors! But ofcourse they just cover typical mainstream medicine! Don't they care that we should have multiple options for our care other than the conventional!....nope they just go with the cheapest option....grrr 8-|


  • I don't know of any insurance companies that cover homeopathic options?
  • Ya me either...I was just making a statement that insurance companies SHOULD cover different medical options... @captivated
  • Oh, lol! I was wondering if there were insurances that did, but yours did not! I agree, but that will never happen.
  • edited August 2012
    @bahamamama4828 said something about an insurance covering it, don't know which one :(
  • Boooo that sucks! Our private insurance covered ND DO and chiro.
  • I don't know much about triwest so I'm sure private insurance is not an option? We don't have private anymore and it sucks!
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  • Unfortunately none of those are covered with this stupid military insurance...I kno I should be thankful for having insurance at all....but man o man I wish we had options...I will just have to pay out of pocket if I need their specialties.
  • Doesn't Tri-Care standard offer more options for care? I know there is a deductible that way, but it might be worth looking into if you are currently on prime.
  • Hmmm I never thought of that! I will check it out! @misskristin
  • I'm on standard and love it. I don't ever have to deal with military docs at all. There is a copay with it but its not bad, I think my highest was $150 and that was for my ultrasound that I got every 4 weeks and had no issues with tricare saying no.
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