I attempted a natural birth with my first. I labored at home for 12 or so hours, went to the hospital, and they hooked me up to pitocin..I tried dealing with the pain..after 5hrs of being on the drip, I was crying I was in so much pain..I ended up caving and getting the epi. This time I WILL have the birth I want! I know it's going to hurt, but I don't want any drugs in mine or babys system!!
@EricaK22 I had pitocin and no epi for 11 hours. Trust me I totally understand not wanting anything in your system! I don't know what pitocin free contractions feel like hopefully this time is even easier!
MrsStanley_x2 the pitocin free contractions were soooo much more tolerable!! They didn't even tell me they were starting the pitocin either..I ended up shaking I was in so much pain from it, and the contractions were on top of each other, and I was only 5-6cm!
@EricaK22 uhhhh I'd have been pissed if thry did that without warning! Mine got so bad I'd shake and throw up or at least dry heave after every contraction from 8cm on! That's why a pit drip sucks is because it doesn't really let your body rest betwern doubled contractions!