I'm loosing the baby... Advice please

edited August 2012 in Loss
I went to my appt this morning, i'vebeen bleeding since thursday. Theres a sac but no baby :-S dr prescribed pills to insert and tylenol 3, i'm supposed to start the pills tonight. What should i expect? Do i need towels or anything? I was/am 7.5 weeks


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  • First I would hold off and see another Dr. Just in case. It's early a lot if times to see a baby at about 8 weeks.
  • I had this happen twice. My advice, make sure you insert the pills as close to the cervix as possible. Use a tampon to keep them in place. Take a tylenol 3 and lie down. The first MC I had, it took about 3-4 hours for the cramping to start getting really strong, then I went to the bathroom and passed quite a few clots and the sac. After the bulk of the clots passed in the next couple hours after that, I just had period type bleeding. It was much harder to handle emotionally than physically. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know exactly what it's like and it isn't something I'd wish on anyone. :( hugs. I'm here if you need anything.
  • @homebirthadvocate thank you @mrs4c he gave me the option of waiting a week, but i've known since the beginning something wasn't right, i'd rather just get it over with i think :/
  • My friend couldn't see her baby until 10 weeks! Her Dr said at 8 week appointment that there was just a,sac and she had lost it too.
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  • Okay. I typed when you typed.
  • @mrs4c did she bleed beforehand? I've basically had a really heavy period the last 5 days and when the dr pulled out the ultrasound thing It was like he stabbed me with a knife there was so much blood. @mama_kat the obgyn's here have such a long waiting list :/
    @rtmommy thanks, did you get a second opinion or did you just know?
  • It happened to me two times in a row. I was 9&10 weeks at the time. I was sure of my lmp and all so I knew the pregnancies weren't viable.
  • I would also get a second opinion or wait a week...that was around the time they thought I miscarried. They could only see a sac and not a baby, my blood levels also showed I wasn't pregnant anymore. (I bled really heavy and had bad cramps) So they told me I had lost it. So glad I waited to do anything because it's our lil' miracle baby. We went back to the doctors 8wks later because something was off and they found out I was 15wks and 4days a long! I am now 24wks pregnant with a little girl! I don't want to say this to get your hopes up bleeding is a bad sign, but I just thought I would share my story.
  • I agree get a 2nd opinion
  • @Kimberly4411 That happened to me too. I was about 4-5 Weeks and all they saw was a yolk sac. I was bleeding nonstop for a good month. They told me it was an impending miscarriage. When they checked me there was blood everywhere just like you on the bed and all over the tool they were using. He will be 5 in Oct. I would definitely wait and see what happens in the next few weeks.
  • Agreed! Wait it out. If you ovulated late like I did with this pregnancy, that's all they'd see on ultrasound. On the other hand, if you are miscarrying, sounds like your body knows what it's doing. Either way I'm so sorry for what you are experiencing! Hugs!
  • I don't think you need a second opinion. Just my opinion. So sorry for your loss hun.
  • :/ i regret posting, i dont know what to do.
    @sjmomof3 @babyluv did ya'll feel pregnant? I havent felt pregnant from the beginning
  • @captivated thank you, i'm so torn now :/
  • Don't regret! That's what Pregly is for! Just give it a little time so you're sure, maybe? For the record, I never feel pregnant.
  • This happened to me but I just waited until I miscarried naturally. It might be less painful that way so if it were me I wouldn't take anything.
  • If you are torn, wait a week. By then, if it is viable, you will see a heartbeat and or something in the sac. I am pretty positive it is not, but only because all of my many miscarriages have played out exactly like this. Do not get your hopes up please. But if inserting the pills is something you may regret, wait.
  • @captivated should i call the dr in the morning and see if he'll take my hcg levels and then again on friday? @lafiitz89 hubby is going out of town next week, idk i may give it until friday @ourlittlenugget thank you, i think i may wait a couple days
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  • Prayers for you! I know you're in a tough spot, and we're here for you...
  • Oh wow. Yes! You cannot accurately diagnose a miscarriage without two beta levels.
  • That early**
  • @ourlittlenugget @mama_kat @captivated looks like i dont have to decide, cramps started 10 minutes ago and are slowly getting stronger =((
  • Sorry you're going through this. It is very sad. :(
  • :-( I'm so sorry that you are going through this. I was just in this same situation a few weeks ago. I just let my body do everything naturally. Since it has already started for you I guess I wouldn't take the meds. Just my opinion. You are in my thoughts :-( Let me know if you need anything.
  • If you havent already, take two of the tylenol three. Sorry sweetie
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