dont feel pregnant

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Im now 8 and half weeks but i dont feel pregnant. Im not getting any ms and my sore boobs dont feel so sore anymore. I no i havnt miscarried as i no the signs because i have miscarried before but im terrified my baby has died and stopped growing and i just dont no it. :-(
Im not booked for an ultrasound until 1st of april.
Is there anything i can do to put my mind at rest?


  • My breasts stopped hurting as well. I didn't feel preggo until lol and I'm 26wks. My lower back is beginning to hurt n the pelvic area is stretching..awww just wait hehee
  • Your fine. Im 22 weeks and never had any symptoms either. Only way I know im pre now is cause my belly finally popped out and I feel her moving.
  • Thanks. I guess im worrying over nothing reli or im just too impatient lol but 12 weeks seems like forever to wait for a 1st scan especialy when i have miscarried before.
  • I feel exactly the same I'm 8 weeks and 5 days and although my nipples did hurt they don't now, I've had no morning sickness and my only symptom is that I'm tired. My scan is 31st march. I haven't had any pains it anything so I'm just trying to relax x I hope your ok, I'm sure were just the lucky ones x
  • Guess i should be thankful of no sickness :-)
  • Its normal to be doesn't stop as u get further along either that I'm not worried about miscarriage, I'm worried about my babys movement...if I don't feel him for a while I get worried...ahhh that's motherhood for ya
  • I'm 13 weeks and about the same time as you my symptoms went away too but oh boy they came back with a vengence! Its impossible for me to get out of bed with out being sick and my boobs hurt so much worse than they ever did before :/ and now I'm more emotional. I was scared i lost my baby too but my little one is showing he is very much still there lol i even feel flutters from time to time :D don't worry hun! I'm sure everythibg
  • :-) thanks everyone. Puts my mind at rest a little bit anyway :-)
  • @skyeblu, I am 13 weeks and I have no symptoms at all, either. I'm not even out of normal clothes. I have never felt less pregnant, and it's making me so nervous! This is my third and it's nothing like my others. I've been on the verge of calling my doctor because I'm so freaked out and my next appt isn't until 3/18...but I don't want to be ridiculous. Sorry, I know this isn't actually helping you, but at least you know you're not alone in being neurotic. :)
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