It really depends on the last situation, doc and hospital. I am a vbac mama after previously given birth to 2 early babies so I got lucky that my last wasn't preemie. I say, find a supporting provider and go for it!
I went for a vbac with my second, my doctor was very supportive. It unfortunately ended in another section as my cervix don't like to open (after 36 hours in labour with both mine I made half a cm with my first and barely a cm with my second!). Try and find a supportive doctor, do a little research and if you want to go for it, you can!
I've seen many succsess storys of people having a vaginal delivery after a c section as said before u just need a suportive team around u and a doctor who's willing to go through one with u as some don't like to risk it xx
im still deciding what to do! i had a csection june 2011 my next baby is due in november and iv been told they will tell me if i should have a csection or not at my next appointment on 5th september but i dont know if im happy just to go ahead and have another one?!
I say, find a supporting provider and go for it!