Q:Induction because baby is too big?
So. I went to my appointment today, and the doctor said he's a tad worried because my son (singleton) is already very large conpared to my twins. Now, yes, I had a total combined 11ish or 12 lbs of baby in my belly last time, but not all in one shot. See, while I was born to carry babies (I've got the 'birthing body' as my granny calls it) no one informed my vaginal area of this. I tore very very badly and had just a wee bit of trouble getting my oldest son (first twin) out and he was only 5lbs 11oz. The concern is that, say this guy is 8 lbs, he won't come out thereby causing problems ending in.a c-section WHICH I will have to be put completely inder for because ain't nobody touching my spine! I was told he will check out his size, and if he sees a cause for concern we will talk about possible induction. Btw I also have insanely high protein in my urine and am being watched for possible pre-e. Anyone heard of being induced because baby is big? Opinions?