Q:Induction because baby is too big?

edited August 2012 in Giving birth
So. I went to my appointment today, and the doctor said he's a tad worried because my son (singleton) is already very large conpared to my twins. Now, yes, I had a total combined 11ish or 12 lbs of baby in my belly last time, but not all in one shot. See, while I was born to carry babies (I've got the 'birthing body' as my granny calls it) no one informed my vaginal area of this. I tore very very badly and had just a wee bit of trouble getting my oldest son (first twin) out and he was only 5lbs 11oz. The concern is that, say this guy is 8 lbs, he won't come out thereby causing problems ending in.a c-section WHICH I will have to be put completely inder for because ain't nobody touching my spine! I was told he will check out his size, and if he sees a cause for concern we will talk about possible induction. Btw I also have insanely high protein in my urine and am being watched for possible pre-e. Anyone heard of being induced because baby is big? Opinions?


  • Yikes!! I really hope you don't have pre-e!! :( Maybe you have a lot of fluid around baby, and their thinking he's going to be a big baby?
  • @EricaK22 meeee either! On the plus side I'm 35 weeks today so it's better than when the symptoms first started! And I asked the same thing and he said unlikely because he has measured BIG this whole time, but he'd check all possible explanations to make sure!
  • I'm in UK, but I'm due a scan on Thursday to see how big this one is. I'm 35 weeks as well. If it is big then I may be induced at 40 weeks if I don't go into Labour before. Due to last one having shoulder dystoxia (sp) xxx
  • Is the baby lying sideways? That will make you measure big. At 28 weeks I measured 35 weeks, and we found out she was lying sideways. I'd ask for an ultrasound to make sure of the fluid levels, and to check his position.
  • @cheryl74 yeah my son got a little stuck but thankfully that didn't happen to him! With the protein though I guess it has my doc pretty worried :/
  • @EricaK22 Nope he's head down! They have one scheduled next monday. So hopefully we can figure out there is nothing to worry about! I really hate pitocin so I'd rather avoid that route. Lol
  • Yes, pitocin is like something out of a horror movie lol but id totally take a drip of it before going under the knife!! I hope he's not really big, and you just have extra fluid!!
  • @EricaK22 that's what I'm saying!! Haha I told him he's not cutting me open unless it becomes a life or death situation. I'd rather take on pitocin with no epi again. Lol Thank you I hope so too!!
  • Anyone else? @HomeBirthAdvocate have you ever heard of this?
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  • ^^^ I agree. Many of us are able to birth bigger babies. My whole family is small, we have big babies-not I though lol I have small babies. My grandmother gave birth to my 11lbs uncle lol she's 5'1" and maybe 135lbs at that time.
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate and @Bahamamama4828 he doesn't want to do a c-section at all, that's what he wants to avoid. He made that clear, he is just worried it would end in one. It's the induction I was really asking about. Lol he said we could discuss it depending on the outcome of the sonogram. I just never figured baby size would warrant a possible induction. I tore pretty badly with my 5 lb babies, so I sort of share his concern. Lol
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  • edited August 2012
    @HomeBirthAdvocate haha totally okay! I was induced with the twins, buuuut I was already dilated to a 4. Lol I'd rather not, and he'd never push anything on me I refused. So either way it's my decision. I'm just incredibly nervous.... who knew a singleton would freak me out so bad! Lol
  • My mom was induced and had a csection due to my little brother being too big. He was 11lbs 7oz (no pre-e, diabetes). The doctor said she could of tried to have him vaginally but he said he wouldn't of let his own wife go through that so he didn't advice her too.
  • Both my babies where over 9.5lbs. My last one was 9.15! With my first my Dr said he would let me go naturally if I really wanted to but that I would most likely wind up with a c section. My pelvis is too narrow anyways that unless the baby (Dr said) was 7 lbs or under I wouldn't be able to push. I never had gestastional diabetes either and I only gain 35lbs of pregnancy weight with both of them...
  • @1stWoodsBaby sweet Lord that's as much baby as my twins combined!! Poor poor mama! If he is that big I think I'll cry. A lot.
  • @kayleigh27 You are a strong woman!! I'm not sure what is going on with my body (the lab work hasn't come back yet) but I have super high urine protein and I'm measuring big. I tore pretty bad with my little 5 lbers so my doc is wanting to make sure our bases are covered and prepared. I don't do epis which is another reason we want to avoid c-sections at all costs because I don't want to be put under. Did you have any complications?
  • Yea I'd cry a ton too. My little one wasn't that big until like 3 months old.
  • @1stWoodsBaby mine either! My twins were 5lbs5 and 5lbs11!
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