@homebirthadvocate and @bahamamama4828
Hey ladies...so I just got back from meeting with a midwife team. They are wonderful, supportive, encouraging, and I was sold in about 5 minutes. But then they told me NH midwife rules won't let them care for me as a VBAC client without 18 months in between births. I'll be 15 months and one week. I'm a little crushed, frustrated, and trying hard not to cry right now. I do NOT want to be under an ob's care! I've had one appointment and they've already run three tests I didn't want, without even telling me. :-(
@homebirthadvocate feel free to put me in check if my understanding of the birthing center is wrong...this is what my ob (whom I trust and adore) explained to me
@Bahamamama4828 yeah, they mentioned that too. I wouldn't know how to find one, and if I had to transfer, she couldn't go with me to the hospital where I'd need support keeping to my birth plan.
I thought it was up to the docs discretion (but I don't know much about midwifery or cnmidwifery).
Yes, hba is right, NDs and chiros can deliver babies.