Anyone know anything about IBS? Warning TMI - UPDATE

Does anybody have any knowledge or experience of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A little background....
Came back from holiday on the 9th July, about 2 days later I had a bad bout of diarrhoea that lasted for a week and half. At the time I put it down to being away and thought nothing more of it. Three days ago I started again, its literally running out of me. I feel tired and lethargic. There is some slight mucous on the paper when I wipe, I can't tell in the toilet as it is such a mess! Both these bouts have started around the same time as my menstrual cycle. I have rheumatoid arthritis and around the age of 10 I started with severe constipation which was put down to all the meds I have been on forever. So this is a complete change from the norm. The last few months my poo has generally been pretty 'normal' between these bouts. My other symptoms include severe bloating (I look 5-6 months pregnant at times!), stomach ache which often eases after I've been to toilet and some wind. I'm thinking IBS but am going to the doctor next week as I want to get anything else ruled out, particularly as we went abroad (although I would have thought my husband or kids may have been suffering by now too?). Feel sooooo rough! Any advice or ideas please? X


  • I have ibs and mines constant not at times nd not. Realy diareah more if I need 2 go I have to go then! But always bloated severe stumache cramps at times but normally uncomfortable and I used to get really dizzy and feel like wanted to faint when I first got it just after having my 1st :( hope helps hun and fingers crossed u don't have it as it aint nice to live with esp depending on sereverity (I was practicly housebound) and now I'm able to go out but can't walk far and have 2 know where a toilet is otherwise I suffer bad panic attacks worrying incase I need to go and then I can't xxx
  • I have bouts of it around period time too.... Hormones changing and all that crap. But there have been a few months at a time when it was horrid and constant.... Doc chalks it up to stress. But now with this pregnancy its back and its bad... There are times I am doin a dance trying to hold it.long enough to get to a bathroom... And barely make it. Totally royally sucks but I've found if I watch my diet, its a little better. No fast food or greasy foods.... Cut down on dairy.... Start eating more fiber.
  • Thanks for sharing ladies @RedShadoe0 and @georgias_mummy
    Today is day four and although I went twice in quick succession when I woke up, I have only been once since and it wasn't a lot. I have gone the whole day not eating gluten to see if this has any effect! It's either working or this is the natural end to this bout! Still feeling very weak but think that's natural after 4 days of this!
  • Yer is tireing hun I go more in morning than through out day but I don't eat in day if going out fingers crossed just dodgy tummy or they find a med to help u handle it babe xx
  • My husband has this. It's terrible for him. We are working with our doc with gaps diet to see if it helps. We are tweaking it a bit cutting out dairy and wheat/gluten. So far so good! Pharmaceuticals generally just treat the symptoms and not the root cause.
  • I'm on so many meds already @Bahamamama4828 I don't want to have to add to the list if I can help it!
    @georgias_mummy obviously I need to see the doctor and can't self diagnose, just a lot of the symptoms are matching up. It's definitely not been as bad as yours sounds but today was the first time I went out and I was very nervous. Luckily my friends house I was out is one I can talk to about this and she was great
  • Yeah its deff good to have people to talk to I've tried but no1 seems to really get it I mean mine was under control but I let enxiety win me over now dw it aint this bad for everyone just be prepared fot a lot of tests talking about no 2s lol think that's worst bit for me going docs about it but they hear/ see worse xx
  • I've been in and out of hospitals and around doctors all my life, I'm pretty ok with all that! Not much of anything is personal there already! Lol x @georgias_mummy
  • Ahh its a strict food diet, not meds.
  • Oh yes I understood that @Bahamamama4828 I was agreeing with you looking into alternatives rather than relying on the meds!
  • Just a short term solution, eat bananas- they bind waste, (and are rich in potassium so will help your energy levels) may help in the short term until you get to the doctor...
  • Thanks sweetie @JoshnEviesmum
    Today has been better, felt awful yesterday!! Going to the toilet generally only a couple of times after I wake up and a couple of times before bed now, still like water but I have managed to eat a little and my body has absorbed the good stuff as I'm not going to toilet every hour or two! Hopefully this bout is on its way to being finished.......
  • Well I finally went to see the doctor. Due to the drugs I take I am immunosuppressed so she has got me doing a stool sample just to check for bugs but as my blood results from last week are normal she doesn't think that is the reason. She is sending me for extra liver tests (my meds can attack my liver so I already have some tests done in my monthly blood test) and tests for things like my thyroid function. She is already pretty sure she will refer me but wants these tests done first to rule possible things out. This last bout ended last week so feeling a lot better now thank goodness!
  • Glad your feeling better hun :) fingers crossed all tests come bk ok etc I had my 1st psychiatrist app yday over the phone to see if can help with my anxiety so just waiting on all the app dates through as she was extremly positive it would help :) fingers crossed u get the help u need hun with diet anything can set mine off so u just need to find the right diet for u and what works :) xx
  • Thanks @georgiasmummy I'm hoping it doesn't take too long to sort. That's great you are getting the help you need too, I know the worry I have been feeling going out, needing to know if there is a toilet etc and I'm only getting bouts of it whereas you deal with it constantly. I really hope this helps you x
  • Hopefully it shouldent do hun esp if u have a gd doctor etc :) and yeah its annoying planning your route knowing where each toilet is which sucks as all the parks here don't have any and don't live close enuff so cnt tke girls park etc just don't let it rule ya life hun I let it take over so keep believeing u control the ibs it don't control u!! :) xx
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