I think people are confused about the difference between Pro Life and Pro Choice. Some people have put they are Pro Life but agree with abortions in some situations. Pro Life means you are against abortion no matter what lead to the fertilization. Pro Life belief --"Any deliberate destruction of human life is considered ethically or morally wrong and is not considered to be mitigated by any benefits to others". Some of you are saying Pro Life, but based on your belief you are actualy "Pro Choice"
@gettobetty yeah that's why I quoted only one thing and was trying to remind people the ultimate message was love... unconditional love. Not passing judgement on others.
@simplyraven22406 god is an important factor for a lot of people. It's their opinion and their reasoning, and they're entitled to it. Religion informs many people's decisions and life choices, and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm an atheist, god doesn't figure into my reasoning, but that doesn't mean that other people don't have the right to cite why they hold their beliefs as true.
@both simplyraven and magcaw its true God plays a huge factor in most peoples decisions... I'm personally tired of it being thrown in my face... not so much on here but in my everyday life. If they are truly concerned for me then do as you should and pray for me but don't try and belittle me for the beliefs u have. It's good to know that you girls are out there standing up for what u believe too. Best of luck to all.
mama2bn2011.. im with you, i had an abortion like almost a year ago and it was the worst feeling i couldnt stop crying either. Then i got pregnant again 3months after that and i had to make a hard decision to have another abortion, i battled with that decision for 3months and went and got it done like a dummy. That was the most depressing time of my life bcuz after it was over i saw my baby in the bag b4 the lady could put it away and i just started crying and drowning in regret, bcuz i waited to long to have the abortion and my baby had started forming. i said i would never ever do that again bcuz your rite.. you never forget the feeling of your baby being sucked out of you if you have any kind of heart and i will forever have that image stuck in my head of seeing my baby in that bag. Then i shouldve kept the baby bcuz i turned around and got rite back pregnant 2months later so i feel like it was ment to be and i feel like my baby is a blessing to me and i cant wait to meet it when it gets here..
@simplyraven if you don't mind me asking what was reason for your abortion? You said got don't won't give you anything you can't handle so I was curious?
I am prolife myself but at the same time there are situations where its medically unsafe that can be justifiable.
ladies i dont judge people that choose to have an abortion and if one of my friends make a choice to go have it done i would go with here and be by her side as a friend but i wouldnt encourage anyone to do it bcuz i know the pain and depression i went thru..
I would never judge anyone for having one, its completely up to the person. I put my reasons for my mind, but I know people who have had them, & I don't think any less of them. I almost had one, but I couldn't go through with it, & it was a situation of rape & medical emergency. I'm just one person, I have no right to tell people what's right or wrong.
Me personally i would not get one. But I wil admit I've thought about it b4 just could never go throu wit it...my bff got one n I feel that's her choice...I believe everyone has their own choice and they shouldn't b juded for it
Its completely horrible . Its killing a human. Just because they are inside the mother doesn't mean the baby isn't a person. They feel the pain. Is a baby less of a baby because they aren't born yet? And yes God is all forgiving however I don't think he would tell you its right to kill your child. But hey I'm not God so he will be the judge in the end.
You cant not claim pro life and say its ok in medical or rape situations... Learn the facts behind being pro life of pro choice before you speak on the subject.
@simplyraven22406 I was 15, 16 when I had them. I remember what it was like to be young & scared. I wasn't judging you, I think you did what you felt like you had to do, no wrong in that.
I'm actually very proud of all you ladies.... the last time this topic was brought up people went crazy... I think almost all of you are handling this very well for being hormonal Mommas to be! People all to often confuse being pro choice with being anti baby... It's not the case.
@wallieheadbaby3, my f-i-l was in seminary for 7 years before he decided to marry and my family are all born again christians. Both sides (me and them) have had to work very hard to learn tolerance for the others because our beliefs are so vastly different. But I totally know what you mean, we went through some rough, judgemental patches as well. @simplyraven22406 I know what you mean, but I think the reason that abortion is such a controversial topic is because for most people it's not black and white. There are circumstances where termination seems like a good choice to many people, and circumstances where it seems horrible. You're right, there's no difference between the babies conceived accidentally or through rape; I think the anger and sadness stems more from the mother's reason than the baby itself, especially for women who can't conceive. It's just a touchy subject. Congrats on getting your education, tho.
I had a friend who got one in high school. She felt pretty horrible about it even though she took the pill and didn't have to deal with an abortion procedure. I'm non-religious (I dont like the labels atheist or agnostic) and I'm pro choice. I'm not one to judge if a woman gets an abortion. Of course I think they should have practiced safe sex to avoid having an abortion, but I realize that sometimes there isn't a condom available when you need one.
It is a personal choice and not one to be made lightly. I have a close friend who had one and she was torn up about it. She made her desision and wished she didn't have to but to her there was no other way. Yes I know she could of used adoption but to her that wasn't a good idea, it was her desision and I supported her because I love her.
I do find it ironically amusing that people are against abortion but are not against not implanting the unused fertilized eggs that are created during fertility treatments. Isn't that life just as important. If not more so because it was wanted so badly? Isn't not using them abortion as well?
I am prolife myself but at the same time there are situations where its medically unsafe that can be justifiable.
@simplyraven22406 I was 15, 16 when I had them. I remember what it was like to be young & scared. I wasn't judging you, I think you did what you felt like you had to do, no wrong in that.
@simplyraven22406 I know what you mean, but I think the reason that abortion is such a controversial topic is because for most people it's not black and white. There are circumstances where termination seems like a good choice to many people, and circumstances where it seems horrible. You're right, there's no difference between the babies conceived accidentally or through rape; I think the anger and sadness stems more from the mother's reason than the baby itself, especially for women who can't conceive. It's just a touchy subject. Congrats on getting your education, tho.
I'm non-religious (I dont like the labels atheist or agnostic) and I'm pro choice. I'm not one to judge if a woman gets an abortion. Of course I think they should have practiced safe sex to avoid having an abortion, but I realize that sometimes there isn't a condom available when you need one.
I do find it ironically amusing that people are against abortion but are not against not implanting the unused fertilized eggs that are created during fertility treatments. Isn't that life just as important. If not more so because it was wanted so badly? Isn't not using them abortion as well?