I F*****g Hate Hypocrites!

Disclaimer: If you're offended by people who vaccinate, drink cows milk, and love Johnson's baby wash- Don't bother continuing on. I will not apologize for my opinion.

NOW then. I do NOT judge or care how other people parent. Not my kid, not my business. Yes, I vaccinate. Yes, we drink good ol' fashioned cows milk, eat steak, and like the occasional fried food. And by God, my babies have been bathed in Johnson's baby soaps since birth. Do I push my views? No. So when I have someone in the middle of a store start lecturing me that I'm "destroying my babies' lives" you bet your sweet ass I'm going to get mad. I was discussing the pertussis vaccine with my husband (4 kids in our area have DIED, yes DIED from whooping cough in the last six months). This b**** eavesdropping tells me "well vaccinations will kill them faster than any disease." I said "thanks for your opinion," and walked off. She FOLLOWS us, and proceeds to lecture about cows milk (we were right by the cases) and everything else she could think of. Who the hell does she think she is? What I do is my business, no one elses. I was born and raised on a farm raising cows. I like cows milk. BFD. I vaccinate by babies (though there are a few I won't let them get). BFD. Best part of miss "organic is the only way?" The cart full of ho-hos, cookies, and hawaiin punch. Bite me, lady. Rant over.


  • @BlessedTXMom Exactly! I don't agree with people sometimes but I NEVER try and push my views or opinions when it comes to parenting. The nerve of this woman made my blood boil.
  • @kristaf22 lmao you just made my day! And damn right. I don't say anything to people, so don't say crap to me! They do their thing, and I'll do mine!
  • Some people just need a high five, to the face, with a chair...lol. I would have lost patience & called her noses behind out right then & there!
  • Science is making everyone crazy about health -- it's unbecoming. We as a species have evolved through survivial of the fittest. We have been drinking cows milk for centuries and although vaccinations are fairly new they have curbed infant mortatily in huge numbers. I too do not push my views on people, but I do think that not one single "organism" is responsible for diseased/disordered states, but in fact it's a combination of many enviornmental factors. You should have told her to buy your groceries and pay your medical bills if she was so CONCERNED about the well-being of your child(ren). I can't wait for someone to approach me, they will wish they had minded their own business.
  • @Mijita You always say exactly what I try to put into words! Love the way you state you opinion. :)
  • @Molly I agree! She is so well spoken :)

    @Mijita I agree entirely. My husband actually did tell her to feel free to buy our groceries if it was so important to her. She acted as though we grievously offended her. Lol
  • That is so wrong...i can't believe someone would just talk to a stranger like that! Ugh!
  • @MorgDeeBee :)

    @Wilsomom Maybe in her crazy mind she thought she was saving my kids so that made it okay. Either way, she's lucky my babies were with us: I'm nine months pregnant and had no qualms beating her with a tub of butter. Lol
  • Damn wrong smiley, agreed 110% momma!
  • @Proudmother lmao I love that smiley anyway! And thank you!! Glad I'm not alone!
  • Lol vaccinations will kill them faster?? Stupid
  • Ugh. The nerve of people. And especially to follow you. Crazy!

    @kristaf22 lmao!! Thats hilarious!
    @mijita amen!
  • @2600wifey I'm assuming she was a non-vax believer, which is totally fine, just don't preach to me about it, ya know? Lol
    @1stWoodsBaby I'm in Oklahoma smack in the middle of the bible belt in a smallish town, so being followed and preached at is a lot more common than you'd think, unfortunately.
  • LMAO at this person!! The nerve seriously! I dont think I could follow someone around preaching to them. But seriously, I would only answer if asked.
  • Wow. I choose selected vaccines but believe every parent makes the right choice for their child and wouldn't judge or preach to a friend let alone a stranger in the store!! Wow.
  • @Bahamamama4828 My husband wasa prepared to hold me back. Lol I'm sad to say I've been followed before (totally different reason). People in the midwest can be intense.

    @Ourlittlenugget EXACTLY!! I agree!!
  • OMG @MrsStanley_x2 ... This post is hilarious. RMAO! I read this post twice. LOL
  • Oh I understand now! I live in TN (Bible belt area too) so I completely understand now this lady hopping on her high and mighty horse and preaching to you. I despise those kinds of people. And my husband is even a preacher so I'm around a lot of them and I still cant stand them. Lol.
  • I probably would've been banned from that store for slapping the hell outta her!
  • @YNVTish I'm glad we could make you laugh! Lol
    @1stWoodsBaby that's EXACTLY it! They think they have the right to do just about anything. I had one follow us around in babies r us one time telling me my "bastard children" were going to hell if I didn't change my ways. Why? I didn't have my ring on because I was swollen. I look really young and so does my husband when he shaves his beard, so she commented on babies having babies until my husband set her straight. These people.... *sigh* sorry for the mini rant! Haha it isn't often people understand!
  • @Tootie08 if I didn't have my babies with me I would have been too! I didn't want them seeing that. Lol
  • @sophiasmom11 that's a good philosophy. Lol and the way she talked to me pissed me off, particularly because she talked down to me. I have two degrees- I'm not exactly ignorant here!
  • edited August 2012
    Wow I would have went off!!!! I do all the same as you lol People are getting crazy with keeping their kids in a bubble lol. I do buy organic milk, chicken and eggs though. But thats only because I want to stave off puberty as long as possible lol
  • @starrxoxo9 I actually buy farm fresh eggs from a friend of mine. Same with my fruits. Lol I hate the taste of organic milk, though. Lol I'm really really picky with milk!
  • edited August 2012
    @MrsStanley_x2 I feel if you put in 9 months plus delivery for the child... You are I entitled to WHATEVER you please.

  • @YNVTish A-Freaking-Men!!!
  • edited August 2012
  • Omg this is crazy. I live in the bay area and people would NEVER do something like that!!! They wouldn't make it out of the store
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