I just need to vent.... very long!

edited August 2012 in Relationships
So most of you know the background but for those who dont..me and my daughers father split up because I just wasnt happy anymore. I felt like I had expressed my feelings to him so many times and nothing was being changed. I just started to fall out of love eventually..I didnt come to him and explain this to him. Why should I have? My issues with us never seemed to concern him before. He basically had this "shes not going anywhere" mentality. I broke up with him and accidently (yes accidently..I was taking the proper precautions against it) got pregnant by someone else I had started talking too. This "new" guy is great. Hes almost everything that I had been practically begging my daughters father to be. Now my daughters father cant seem to just get over me and realize its over! Hes so stuck on saying that the only reason we didnt work was because I did not come to him and tell him my feelings were faded..if I would have we could have worked it out..hes a changed man..blah blah blah. He says I just cant see that hes changee because im "with" someone else and thats why I dont love him anymore. Its like he still isnt willing to take blame that he is the main reason we are not together. Its not because I didnt communicate with him 1 time out of the million times I did communicate with him. Its not because theres someone else! Its because of HIM! I do see that he has changed for the better..but to me its just to late. He doesnt understand that! He thinks just because he has turned into the man that I wanted him to be that suppose to just run back. But I feel like I gave him a million chances to make these changes before I left him and he didnt. He only changed because I finally left him. And im just over him! I cant make myself fall back in love with him. He says I cant because im giving someone else my love and if I took this other guy out the picture that I could love him again. But to me its too late. He had his chance to be what I needed him to be and he didnt take it until it was too late. But he makes me feel like im wrong for not running back to him since he has changed now. Am I wrong for choosing the man who is getting it right the first time? Am I wrong for trying to make myself happy? He makes me feel like hes the victim and now im doing him so wrong and crushing his heart.

I just needed to vent. Just someone to listen. Thank you. And im on my phone so sorry if there is typos.


  • @bettymomma I do feel bad because I see that he is making the effort to change. He is doing great at that. But at the same time I feel like he should have gotten it right the first time!
  • Whatever makes you happy at the end of the day is what us best. He had his chance, he can say he has changed, but what if he goes back to his same old ways a few months down the road? But its just my opinion hun, its ultimately what you think is best for your fam. Good luck and just pray :)
  • People don't just change over night. Not to sound pessimistic, but I highly doubt he's a whole new man. It takes a lot of hard work to change who you've been your whole life. It's up to you to decide if it's worth fixing. You should know if he's really capable of changing, or if he's just telling you what you want to hear.
  • "Its too late", exactly.. My husband "changes" when we separate... But he just sinks back into his old ways after a while. I'm having that issue right now with him. My biggest question when we separated and he begged for me to come back was, "Why now? Why put forth effort AFTER I left and none before?" Men are mostly selfish. Stick with the new guy if you're happy. Don't become a statistic like me!
  • edited August 2012
    I have to agree with @starrxoxo9. Change is very hard for us and I'm sure he feels he can accommodate your needs. You needed to ask yourself how long will he sustain these improved behavior(s). It is so easy to fall into routine behaviors, and I suspect once he has you those behaviors will resume.

    I think the most important thing is that you know you are done. Forcing yourself to ”try” when your heart is not in it will result in failure. The only way I can explain what you are going through in your failed relationship and what you are dealing with are the stages of grief. It sounds like you are experiencing acceptance and anger at the same time. It is all perfectly normal and natural.

    Lastly, I don't think you should feel bad/sad for him because you've moved on. It is unfair of him to throw those things in your face, but he's facing desperation and will use anything within his power to accomplish his mission, which is to have you back. Since you've told him umpteenth times your needs and his shortcomings I wouldn't worry about repeating yourself.

    I normally believe in holy matrimony, but you've removed yourself from that union and it's fair to say there is no turning back; although you are the only one that knows that to be true. Listen to your heart, but pay attention to your instinct as well. Don't fight them just because you think the grass is greener on the other side. We all have our prince charming's in the beginning, as we don't note their shortcomings until later. It's how we accept and work around them that counts.

    Good luck!
  • @mijita I loved those words. Made me want to cry. Lol. But the last paragraph you wrote it exactly what im afraid of. What if this new guy turns out bad for me too..and then I regret leaving my daughters father. But I dont love my daughters father anymore..well im not in love with him.
  • I agree wit starrxoxo he mite have changed but for how long?? I agree u deserve to be happy an if the new guy makes u happy definatly stay wit him :)
  • im in the exact same situation as you, i feel the same as you do but im willing to give the new guy a chance we live and we learn and whatever the outcome might be im willing to accept it and move forward with my life.
  • My honest opinion is if you're unsure about anyone, you shouldnt be with them. It's not fair to them, or to you. That goes for new guy and your ex. If you're unsure about both of them, then maybe its time for you to have you time and just focus on your kids.
  • @natashalynn its not that im unsure about the new guy. More just afraid I guess..like most ppl are going into a new relationship if that makes sense.
  • edited August 2012
    We will always find something wrong with our SO's. It's just a matter of working through those quirks, although it's a two way street. If you are having doubts then maybe you need to reassess your current situation and decide what you really want. Don't go looking for fault(s) because you will find them.
  • @blessedtxmom that sounds so bad "two fathers to your two children". I wouldve never thought this would be me.
  • @mimii36 .. you know I love you like a fat kid loves cake... ;-) looks like he thought he could do you ANY OLD DAMN WAY... And thought wrong!

    You sound like a women scorn!!!

    R.Kelly put it best... "When a women's fed up, there ain't NOTHING you can do about it."

    Ok.. but let's flip the script a little...

    Men do take more time to see what we see. When we hand them the milk and dont require the purchase of the cow.. they're gonna milk out constantly until we run dry... That's if we let them.

    I can see you got the taste of the good life with this new guy... Now he can be the grass that's greener or he can be the turf that looks green but ain't.

    Looks like either way you go you're gambling. This guy sounds really nice (only time will tell) and then as for your Ex... Maybe he changed, maybe hes just front'n and whose to say you can even get that love'n feeling back.. well you can. Doing it is just hard. Sounds like you ain't feeling it.

    As for how your Ex feels.. as much as I want to say screw his feelings... And I do! He is your child's father but... But but but wait... he wasn't concerned about your feelings when you were going through it emotionally. LOL

    My feeling is.. we're all grown. 2 people in a relationship and that have been together for a while vibe the same way. With saying this.. if you felt a certain way during the relationship and you weren't happy with the way things were going ... There is no way in Hell he couldn't detect that. His ass was just too comfortable thinking you weren't going anywhere.

    I started this post to tell you you should work it out, but now I'm done with the message and I'm pissed for you.

    Girl... MAKE IT DO WHAT IT DO!

    DO YOU!
  • edited August 2012
    Cause if you like it then you shoulda put a ring on... Don't be mad once you see that he want it.
  • @blessedtxmom i know you didnt mean anything by it

    @ynvtish I was waiting for you to comment.
    I want so bad to just move on from this man and start fresh but that is so much easier said than done. But they say what is meant to be will be right? Let it go and if it comes back it was meant to be! I think I just need to let it go...
  • @Mimii36 .. why do you feel like you can't get it back?
  • The love just isnt there for me..the attraction is gone. Idk..I still have love for him but thats as far as it goes for me. @ynvtish
  • @mimii36 yeah then its time for you to move on... The new guy put it down hard and showed you how its done.
  • I say move on from your ex and focus on the relationship you have with the new guy. You told your ex time and time again how he needs to change and he never did while you were together and waited till you left, makes me think he is only playing it off like he's changed and will go back to his old ways once you go back. Also does your ex know you are prego?
  • Oh ok, I thought maybe he would feel differently towards you if he knew.
  • @trixiesmom8 nope...I wish. Hes holding onto some crazy hope that the baby might be his even tho its not possible.
  • Awe well I hope you get everything straightened out and he starts to back off.
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