just lost a big part of my mucus plug and random contractions!
Yesterday afternoon I got a membrane sweep.. I felt a little crampy after and my back hurt but nothing happened. Today me and bd did the deed earlier. Now big parts of my mucus plug is falling out.. I am still cramping and keep having random contractions. I am 38 weeks. I hope my contractions start becoming regular or something happens. When do I know if I should go to the hospital or not?
@bexiewexie Yes ask them. No tell them! Idk how your dr office is but if my dr isnt in there is always another dr there to see. I am sure any ob knows how to do a membrane sweep. Good luck I hope they give you one!
@bexiewexie I have no texting buddy! You can be my texting buddy. Lol I can just imagine trying to pregly while in labor. I hope it's tonight!!
@EricaK22 Omg lol I am scared to have her at home. I keep cramping a bunch. And having contractions. It is so random though. I hope I know when it is time!!
I consider loosing my plug as labor starting, I had contractions following immediately.
I was also scared to get up & go pee again, lol. I didn't want my water to breakk, LOL.