just lost a big part of my mucus plug and random contractions!



  • Sorry girls!! I went to the hospital last night because I wasn't sure what was going on and I take blood thinners that shouldn't be taken within 12 hours of delivery. And I didn't wanna take my dose if I was going into labor. They ended up sending me home after a couple hours because my contractions slowed down and I wasn't progressing. I talked to my dr this morning and she made me come back in. So I am laying waiting. I am dilated to a 4 and having regular contractions. Baby is not responsive like they want on the nst though. I don't get it. I hope there is nothing wrong with her. :/ idk what that really means. So waiting to see if they are going to keep me or not.
  • Well they are admitting me!! So I guess we will see what happens. I am so nervous.
  • Hope your LO is ok and starts responding! Good luck!
  • Yayy goodluck!
  • What hospital are you at? GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Good luck mommy. Hope everything is ok.
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