Ridiculous Fear. Any advice appreciated!

edited September 2012 in Giving birth
For those of you who know me, I had twins naturally last pregnancy. My "big baby" was a whopping 5lbs11oz and he tore me pretty good. So now I'm 37 weeks with a baby that is already estimated at 7 lbs, and I'm pretty worried about ripping from here to Texas and back. Is there anyone who ripped with one size baby, but not a bigger one, OR is there a way I can sort of "prepare" the lady bits this time around? Please and thank you for the help!


  • I dont think im much help, my first was 7 pounds 8 Oz, my second was 9 pounds 1 Oz, and I had alot of stitches for both, but they healed really fast.
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  • I have heard that perineal massaging is good for that. I tore both forward and backwards with a 6.8 lb baby. I know your fear. I'm not too sure if tearing is a given the second time around given that scar tissue is not as pliable.

    Maybe @bahamamama4828 or @homebirthadvocate can better answer your question.
  • Never mind, I was too slow. She's fast. :p
  • edited September 2012
    I ripped so bad with my first that the docs wondered if I would ever have bowel control again. She was only 6 lb. 15 oz. (I recovered fine btw)

    My second was 9 lb. 5 oz. & I only needed a few stitches...same thing with all my other babies. Either a few stitches or none & my largest ever was 9 lb. 11 oz.

    Hope that helps you feel better! And yes, there are ways you can stretch your perineum in advance if you'd like. I never did, but it's on Baby Center or @homebirthadvocate would probably know. It does require some oil & short finger nails! Lol Eeek!
  • Omg, posted same time lol
  • edited September 2012
    Yes, blow like you're trying to blow out a hundred candles on a birthday cake one at a time really fast when pushing.
  • @Wilsomom; we are getting slow in our old age, ha ha ha.
  • edited September 2012
    (but breathe in in between each blow...don't just blow out only...lol)
  • Lol.
    Yes perineal massage!! Sometimes smaller babies have more wiggle room and mom tears more with them if that makes sense. Birth in an optimal position that opens you up more like squatting in water, the water helps some too. Let your body take over the pushing rather than you pushing againsts gravity on your back called purple pushing like everyone mentioned. :)
  • I tore bad but didn't feel a thing even after I was fine (3rd degree tear)
  • i cant help u but im super scared too! i had my baby via csection but because i have a high bmi they dont want me to have another one but then the doc said if i have my next baby naturally my scar cld rip and i could haemorage (sp) now im scared and to be honest i hadnt even thought about it until my appointment on wed and now im soooo scared!!!
  • I've heard practicing kegals can help prevent it.
  • Use olive oil for your perineal massage!
  • I don't know bc my first I ripped and the second two I only ripped a little bit. All my kids were 7 lbs and under. The first time the dr said I was gonna rip so she cut me so it would be straight easier to sew. So I don't know you may be ok...
  • My first I ripped and needed an episiotomy (sp) she was 7.2, my second and third only small amount is stiches needed and they were a lot bigger (8.2lb) I'm sure this will be different for you xxx
  • @kristaf22 - 3 of mine have had broken collar bones! I just hate it!
  • Wow i have never heard of that. How do you treat a broken collar bone on a baby @kristaf22 and @Wilsomom
  • Holy cow, your poor baby!
  • Lmao great minds are all thinking alike!

    @Janet_2011 I healed quickly, too, thank God. I just had no epi/pain meds so it burned like a mofo!
    @HomeBirthAdvocate I'm looking it up as we speak! And I was so ready to just get them out (pitocin had me miserable) that I went crazy with the pushing, so that probably contributed huh?
    @Mijita thank you very much! I was wondering about the whole scar tissue thing, myself.
    @Wilsomom that does make me feel better. Lol I'm definitely going to try the birthday candle approach. Sounds better than almost passing out from lack of breathing. Lol
    @Bahamamama4828 my doctor actually had me push almost completely upright! He was on an itty bitty stool on the floor. After a pitocin labor it felt amazing right up until the whole crowining thing. Lol
    @MommyLovesSparkle I had clots that would get caught on my stitches and trying to clean myself was pretty uncomfortable, so I'm lucky I didn't rip anything out! Healed fine, just ached quite a bit. Lol
    @denois oh goodness! I hope everything goes smoothly! I actual hemorrhaged two weeks to the day after my delivery. Lost a couple liters of blood, and I was unconscious for most of it, BUT I am just fine :) Don't even worry, you will do great!
    @conreeaght I will have to start doing them!
    @littlenat86 I was about to ask what to use, thank you!! :)
    @kristaf22 Omg I would have freaked out!! Poor baby :(
    @sehra4177 I hope so!
    @cheryl74 I feel so dumb saying this, but an 8 lber scares me! Haha you're a trooper! Combined, I had 12ish lbs of baby... but it didn't come out at once!

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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate dumb question, but where can I find emu oil??
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  • Excellent! I'm going into the city today and there is one in thd mall right by Babies R Us! I'll definitely try it out and hope for the best. Oh! Also. Is there a specific brand of Red Raspberry Leaf Tea that is best? I heard celestial tea brands isn't quite "authentic" enough. @HomeBirthAdvocate
  • @Mom2ING that gives me hope that I'll be just fine! Thank you :D
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  • @HomeBirthAdvocate thank you for the help! How many would you recommend for daily consumption? I'm almost 38 weeks.
  • Lol, 8 pounder nothing, they reckon the bigger the baby the easier cause if gravity.... My theory is 5lb or 10lb....it hurts lol. If you think about it you dilate to 10cm but babies head is atleast 35 lmao xxx
  • @cheryl74 lmao never thought of it that way!
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