How do i know if baby is getting food? I am so overwhelmed. :'(

edited September 2012 in Breastfeeding
Just got home from the hospital. I am so overwhelmed. Baby is so fussy. My boobs are sore. And bd wants to give her a pacifier. I don't know what I am doing. I tried pumping and don't even think anything came out. It hurts when I bf. I am worried she isn't getting enough food. She hasn't pooped yesterday or today. :'(


  • If baby is having six to eight wet diapers per day, she is getting enough. It is normal for your nipples to be sore. If you stick it out, it will go away. I would steer away from a binkie until the breastfeeding is more established. A pump won't get milk out like feeding does. They will still be engorged because your tissue and fluid in between are inflamed. :( It gets better hun.
  • First off take a big breath and stop worrying, the fact you're trying is brilliant! Pumping wont help at this early stage, yoü need to just let baby nurse, nurse and mire nurse. She will feed so often the first couple off months because shes building up a good supply, not because your not providing. Your boobs are the best pacifier so just keep her close and let her go on whenever she wants ( be prepared to learn to eat one handed lol) as long as shes having wet nappies shes fine and dandy. Its really hard the first couple off weeks but it will get easier and if its really painful then she is not latched on properly, her mouth needs to be wide open so your nipple is filling it. Keep going momma yoü can do this :)
  • edited September 2012
    When baby is nursing watch for movement from her jaw, by the base of her ear as this is a good indication that she's nursing correctly. Also as she's nursing you'll see a small pause in her suck followed by a very light swoosh sound, that is baby swallowing. As long as you see these things along with wet diapers, she's getting enough.

    Newborns can go a few days after the meconium to go poo, so don't stress too much.
  • At the hospital they told me to feed him ever 3 hrs for sure but if needed more often then that. I was able to pump out 6 oz a few days after he was born. If you don't have any buy nipple cream!! I use mine after ever single feeding and have yet to have more then 5 times where my nipples are sore.
  • @mijita is right just watch that's how u know she's getting something. Please don't worry their tummy is so small right now they don't need much. But I also agree with the other girls I would start away from Paci. I was always very Careful with it my daughter is going to be 9 months in Couple days she only uses hers when we put her down. But she spits it out once she's asleep. Your going to be so thankful of u keep away from it as much as possible. I remember someone saying that it's more for us so we don't have to listen to them cry. But they don't need it and if not introduced or overly used she won't want it very much later on as well. The first 3 weeks with bf can be hard it was for me at least but once u are both comfortable it is so worth it and amazing :)
  • I use nipple butter from the brand the first years and it works good. And to me pumping hurt more than bf. I have been bf for 6 weeks and it does get better you just have to stick with it.
  • @everyone thank you. I think everything is just really hitting me. I am trying really hard to stick to bf. Will it get easier to pump at some point? Should my milk be in by now? Bd does not understand why I don't want her to have a binky yet. He asks why and I just cry lol. I can't control my feelings right now. I feel like I am crazy. If she is having wet diapers then she is getting something from me right? And feeding her every 2-3 hours is good?
  • edited September 2012
    Yes everything that you are doing is great. If you have concerns see if your hospital has a bfing consultant and go and talk with her. It will give you the encouragement you need. Keep it up mama you are doing just fine.

    Also the consultant will let you know if the latch is right and you will be able to see how much baby is getting.

    Good luck
  • My milk didn't come in until she was 5 days old.:) don't stress. Pumping will get better once your milk comes in.
  • I really don't think she is getting enough. I don't know. She has only peed twice today. Can I supplement with formula till I can see her pediatrician?
  • Idk what to do.
  • Go see a bf-ing consultant or lactation consultant. It is the only way to know how much ur baby is getting

    How old is baby?
  • Supplementing with formula this early is not a good idea. First thing 2mrw call your hospital and ask for a bfing counselor. Keep doing what you are doing hunnie! Please dont give up. This is the hard part. It only gets better from here I promise!
  • She is only 3 days. Its pretty painful everytime. Idk what to do. :( I think she just ate some. She got on and now she is super tired. I don't wanna give her formula but I am scared she isn't eating enough.
  • A 3 day old has the stomach the size of a large marble, it doesn't take much to fill her. Trust yourself until she has her first appointment because the more you supplement the more you interfere with your supply. You were doing fine.
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  • Exactly what captivated said. Hang in there in gets better! It took me two weeks to get the hang of it
  • You can give her a pacifier about 4days after you establish a breastfeeding routine.. she wont get confused. I gave my baby a pacifier 4days after I left the hospital and she was fine.. The baby will let you know if she's not getting enough food. Its normal to have your boobies hurt cause your bodys trying to get used to the breastfeeding.....

    And congradulations on your little one :X !!!!
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  • Well yeah I agree give it about a week sometimes more, if your concerned about nipple confusion stay away from pacifier for 2 to 3 weeks to be solidly sure...
  • It hurts for awhile. Just put the cream on its very helpful.. Just Keep doing what your doing your doing great! And always stand up for what u think is right. Try your best to not do the Paci. Maybe just when she's going to sleep. Because that didn't mess it up with me and works amazing because she knows when I put it in its bed time she never cries.
  • @everyone Thank you. I calmed down since earlier. I think I am just scared to do something wrong. Her not going to the bathroom is stressing me out. :/ she ate again and fell right to sleep after. That's a good sign right? I don't wanna give up! It's weird I wasn't even set on breastfeeding before I had her. I was just gonna try it. Now I can't imagine not doing it! I hope it gets better.
  • Keep trying, mama. From my experience, once you start supplementing, its hard to stop, because that seems to be so much easier than breastfeeding. Maybe try a nipple shield for your sore nipples.. and def go see a lactation consultant! If your nipple looks smashed/flat, then you're not getting a good latch, and the consultant will help you with that. Also, when you take her off, make sure you are breaking the latch before you remove her. Try some different holds while you feed her.. might sound a little weird, but with both my kids, I had to use the football hold on one boob, and cross cradle on the other to get a good latch.

    I know its hard when you're worried and sore, but if you can relax while feeding her, it will help tremendously.. she picks up on your discomfort, and that makes her more upset. If you need to, its okay to take a break for a minute or two to calm down.

    Good luck, hon, it will get better!
  • What worked best for us when Juliana would try to fall asleep while eating was to strip her down to just a diaper bols she was eating and she wouldn't fall asleep. The first week sucked buy better. If its hurting after a few minutes being on try taking her off and relatching. Also try different positions and see if one is more comfortable then the other. I had to hold her one way on one side and another way on the other side. Juliana had a binki when she was just a few days old without any issues but every baby is different. Trust your body, my biggest regret was giving formula every once in a while my supply completely dropped. Watch he jaw if its moving she is eating and you should be able to hear her swallow.
  • @lucyloo288

    I think we got the latch right. I put her on and she sucks and looks content and it doesn't hurt. I just tried to pump and got barley any milk out though. Also ever since earlier today all she wants is my boob. She will suck for a couple minutes then pull off and wanna fall asleep on my boob. I try and lay her down and she just wakes up. :(
  • She's helping build your supply. The first couple weeks are work, don't give up.
    A far as pumping and getting very little, it's because milk is produced by supply and demand. Baby needs very little so your breast will produce to accommodate her needs. If you are trying to build your supply you well need to pump frequently, preferably after feedings, your supply well gradually increase.
  • Yeah, don't worry too much about not getting much right now. It takes a little while for your supply to build up, I still only get an ounce and a half and my son is two weeks old. May I ask why you are pumping already?
  • @lucyloo288 I thought maybe if I pumped I could get some milk to come out. Idk. She had a dr appt today and was still losing weight. My dr said I could supplement with formula but it isn't necessary yet. That I can keep trying to feed her and that my milk should be in soon if it if not already. I am scared she isn't getting enough so I might supplement I guess. :/
  • If your ped isn't worried yet keep trying! I had the same fear as you and now were going on 5 mos of bf . I promise you it is so worth it when you get passed the first month! You can do it momma!!

    Just keep trying girl! I'm going on 2 weeks of bfing my lo, and its hard, but worth it! Just make sure she's latched on correctly, and you're eating and drinking enough to make milk!
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