needs sex.....



  • @junedaddy16 I know how u feel man for real.... LOL
  • @4senough now your getting me worried. I'm just going to pray mine goes away!
  • edited March 2011
    @Misty2011 It probably will. My dr now is hinting about endometriosis based on my history. But if it doesn't go away, don't let them make you stop looking for relief!
  • @4senough whenever I first mentioned the pain they gave me some antibiotics to take. And two weeks later the problem was still there and I told the nurse that works at my drs office. She asked how long I took the medicine and I told her two weeks and she gave me a blank stare and told me the problem was solved then. It made me think that she thinks I'm making things up, but the doctor actually came in and talked to me about it and said it should go away. I still don't like that nurse though. She was very rude.
  • edited March 2011
    my gf is 12 weeks prego. n I find her super attractive prego btw. n for sure I want sex. I know she wants it too. but she can go a.few days w out it. so will give me the block for like 4 or 5 days. but when she wants it its on n crackin. n I tell her baby I c alot of posts about girls who r prego n not getin any cuz their man won't give it up. I'm like u should b happy I'm not like that n let me get it more. (: lol
  • @Misty2011 they gave me antibiotics several times, saying i had a bacterial infection. When i kept coming back, they acted like i was making it up. Was kinda glad i got pregnant, gives me a chance to shop around for drs. My midwife is the one who said it might be endometriosis, because i had painful periods and a short cycle, and history of miscarriage.
  • Idk what the deal is with us....Some days I want to then some days I could care less if I see it ever again. But it seems when i want it he doesn't, when he does i don't! Great.....what the deal...are we both hormonal?!?!?!?

    I'm not kidding this guy doesn't get a signal then one day he's like....we haven't done it in like 2wks...guess we should hun?

    (oh great so we can put our check in the box?!?!?!) uuuggghhh!!!
  • I wish I had your alls sex drive...I dont even think about sex now that I'm husband doesnt mind so much...but I feel bad...I wish I wanted everytime we try it hurts me and i'm not sure why..maybe cause we rarely do it..who knows?
  • Another sexless night this killin our relationship smh the joy of parenthood. Women if you pregnant you cant forget about your man and his wants/needs especialy if he taking care of you during your pregnancy thats selfish.
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