2 questions in one !

edited September 2012 in Giving birth
My mom asked me if I was gonna have another c-section and I told her no and that I was gonna try to deliver vaginally. Well this woman didn't understand why I just wouldnt have another c section like she won't there when everything happened the last time lol but my only concern this go round with having a c section is the fact I would have to be under full anesthesia and I don't know how that would affect my breathing because we know the epidural is what caused the breathing issue and that when they placed me under full anesthesia to have the emergency c section is what further enhanced it so why on earth would I even want to go that route starting out granted who knows if I try vaginally it ends up in a csection no one knows but I just want to try to avoid it at all cost and be able to witness the birth of my child...so what would y'all do?? Giving the circumstances of what happen would you just go ahead and schedule a csection or would you try to deliver vaginally?

Secondly, my sister, me, and my mom feel that my son kaleb will not like this baby and will in fact hurt it lol sad to say my son is very jealous and very attached me and we kind noticed his behavior lately and he has diverted back to being a baby baby and has to be held and he wakes up during the night and he just wants full attention anytime he gets the chance he smacks kicks hits my belly because he knows that it's something in there lol and I'm trying to introduce the fact to him and its not going to good...so those of you who have multiple children how did you all get the first child adapted to the new child and if you all had a hard time and what did you all do to change that ...by the time i deliver the baby i think kaleb will be 17months...I just want him to be able to know that I won't love him any differently or take any attention from him I just have to share it with new baby


  • Second question...my babies will be 18 months apart. I was told to let your older child help out so he will feel apart of things. Let him do things like go get the diaper at diaper time. Let him sing to the baby. Small things like this will help him feel more involved instead of in the way. Remember to still do things with him and give him attention.
  • My boys are almost 4 yrs apart and I didn't have any trouble with my oldest. He was very excited to be a big brother. He does get jealous from time to time but its never been serious, like him hurting his brother.
    As far as vaginal birth or c section...I say try vaginal and see how it goes. With my second I had a scheduled c section but went into labor about 6 hours before I had to be at the hospital. If I had been dilated when I got there I was going to try vaginal. I went 23 hours with my first and only made it to 4cm so I didn't want to go thru that again.
  • I too am having a vbac after a csection with my son he is almost 18months. So he wilk be 20when his little brother gets here. My mom is very very very opposed to me delivering vaginally too. But i think its the best way to.go for me. My doctor is all for it and is supporting me as well as my husband. I didnt likd the c section experience or the recovery. And i had trouble breathing in recovery i couldnt swallow my spit it was soo weird and i wanted it to be over. I think that you should think things through but if it js what you want please dont let your mom discourage you.

    My babyboy is the same way he smacks my belly and wakes up ib the middle of the night like if he is a newborn i dont know what has gotten into him but i try to give him alot of attention i dont want to feel like if im leaving him out once the baby is born. I honestly dont know how he is going to be with a new baby around he plays really rough and is such a bully i hope he is gentle with him. =/
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  • I really want to do a vaginal birth so bad because I didn't get to see my first born and I barely got to interact with him and when I did it was very short and then I didn't see him for two whole weeks do I really want a difference experience this time.

    Me and you are on the same boat @salasmommy
    my son can't really understand a lot so if I ask him to get something for me he doesnt know but I think we need to do a learning camp in the next few months so he can be able to help out with the baby...this will be a struggle @mimi36
  • I am ready to do this vaginally but I just think my mom is still traumatized from my last experience and just wants it over and done with you know and I myself am still scared and I just want everything to be fine and i secretly want a water birth but its to late in the game and I don't think Medicaid covers stuff like that @homebirthadvocate
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  • Yeah I really want to experience it the right way and I wanna be able to be alert and to bond from the beginning with my child and I'm still upset that they took that away from my son the first time and for that I think that's why he is so attached to me and wants attention because he only had my mom in the beginning...me and my sister both are two people who are not equipped to give birth because she had a very hard time with both of her children labor and delivery wise
  • Does your son have playdates with other children?
  • He goes to daycare and he plays with his cousins When they are around
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  • When is your due date?
  • I still don't know the exact due date but the estimated one is 11/30 they have to do a date ultrasound to confirm it
  • Letme know!! Im due 11/28 :D
  • Yay!!!! I will I'm still waiting on them to call me and they are making me mad I've been waiting for a flipping week !
  • You would think they would wanna get you in being so far along!!
  • My point exactly !! I do understand the place they are transferring me too is booked up but that doesn't stop them from doing the ultrasound to get a date so that I won't wake up one morning and plop there goes a baby lol
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