First prenatal appt?

edited September 2012 in Pregnant
I should remember this stuff being that my lo is only 10 months. But..I have my first prenatal appt 2mrw morning. Do they give you an ultrasound on your first visit or do you have to wait until the next time? Im just a nervous wreck..hoping that everything is ok. I cant imagine having to wait for my next prenatal appt to get an ultrasound since you only get an appt once a month at this stage.


  • Yes you do. Or at least I always have
  • Im not sure if they usually do one ur first appointment but I got an ultrasound my first appointment bc I thought something was wrong. So maybe if u tell them what's going on they will.
  • I had an apt to confirm pregnancy and then I think my first real apt I got an ultrasound..I had so many apts and ultrasounds that first month or so since I had a mc before that that they are all running together trying to think which one was what.
  • If you tell them you're not sure how far along you are or when your lmp was they should. I normally wouldn't tell someone to fib, but your situation is a little different.
  • I had to schedule an ultrasound after my first visit for the next week.
  • I did not on my first, had my first appointment last Thursday and have my ultrasound not tomorrow but the next Thursday. I would tell them how much spotting you have been having and hopefully they do an ultrasound for you tomorrow hun
  • I did but if they dont tell them about ur bleeding
  • An they shuld then
  • I did at my first appt with both my boys
  • My 1st appt was the get to you you appt and they did the in office ultrasound at the second appt for both my babies
  • It all depends on how far along you are.
  • It depends on the doctor. My doctor did a sono my first visit
  • I did but it just depends on the doc office and how they do things. I got one every time though.
  • Call the office and ask them what they do for your first visit.. I have my first apt Friday they said they are doing an ultra sound first then pap then some blood work..
  • My first appt, they gave me an Ultrasound to see if baby had a heartbeat n I asked for pictures :)
  • @blessedTXMom im already 9+4 weeks so maybe I will get one
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