when did you mamas stop bf?

edited September 2012 in Breastfeeding
So I thought of exclusively pumping and only nursing at night/bedtime...haha! I lasted maybe a day! It is so much work. I give the mamas props who do it on a daily basis. So I am now considering slowly stopping like cutting a feeding out every couple weeks or so and replacing it will my freezer stash. I want to be completely done by the time she is one. She is 10 months now. I am ready to have my boobs back! I am very happy I have made it thus far and would like to stick with my goal of being completely done by the time she is one. So I know cutting feedinga out are the best/non-painful way there is to do it.


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  • @homebirthadvocate that is awesome!! My lo is such a monkey, she tries to roll and stuff while trying to nurse and its too much for me. I tried only pumping and that was just too much work for me lol.
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  • With my first I bf for 5 months. I only made it to almost 3 months with my second. Def regret not going longer with him :(
  • edited September 2012
    I bf until she was 6 months, then 6 teeth came in...as did bruised nipples. Lol .My daughter is 10 months and I'm exclusively pumping. I will go til she is 1 year old. I am trying to gradually wean with the pumping too...every 6 hours or so. Still have enough for her for the day and about 15-20oz to stash in the freezer.
  • Still going too. 10 days shy of 13mo.
  • 18 months both pumping and nursing first time and still nursing this time around no pumping. Not planning on stopping until she's done
  • @homebirthadvocate yea I wish I could stop pumping altogether, but I'm gone 4 days a week for 8hrs and sometimes I dont get much out so I know if I don't pump my supply will slowly dwindle. My lo doesn't seem to mind how she gets it as long as she gets her booby milk since she has been getting bottles since like 6 weeks old.
    @sands3 awe hun! At least you bf some. That's what matters most!
    @crisjoe luckily my lo only has 1 tooth and she has yet to bite me with it. I give you two thumbs up for exclusively pumping!
    @caroline8_p good for you!
    @bahamamama4828 way to go!!
  • Ty! The pumping is a pain! Mine has 4 freaking teeth too and my nipples oh my!
  • I ditched the pump as well around ten months. My son is 14 months and still going strong. It is recommended to breastfeed until two now, instead of one, because of the amazing and continued benefits to development at this age. Congrats on making it so long! \:D/
  • @bahamamama4828 I can only imagine what it would be like having little teeth biting at it constantly lol..no thank you!!
    @captivated that is awesome! I said I would do it for a year and then I'd stop..well I originally said 6 months was my goal and then anything after was just bonus lol.
  • Still going at 10.5 months. I hope to continue to nurse throughout my pregnancy (6 weeks ) and hopefully tandem nurse. She is still very much interested in nursing so keeping my fingers crossed it doesnt change.
  • I went till 8 months but since I was preggo again I just couldn't take it all and stopped. I started using the pump when she was 6 weeks and think I stopped about 4 or 5 months bc pumping sucks. Why wash all that crap when u can use ur boobs no clean up. Btw did that suck too switching to formula and bottles all the washing and making and expense!
  • Naliyah will be 1 in two Weeks and I want to be done by then... She's gradually not wanting it much during the day but at night she's wanting it so bad and I've been trying to not gone it to her and rock her instead but tonight she's just not having it its driving me crazy but well see how it goes cause I hate night time feedings
  • Its been 2weeks since I stopped at 14m... he wasn't ready but I was... he stills tries to take my boob out himself thou but he is settling for his cow milk now
  • @alymaries good luck! Hope you can get to where you want to.
    @2600wifey I haven't switched to formula, but luckily we use played drop in bottles so there wasn't much of a clean up. But yea pumping sucks! So we went back to just nursing..just so much easier! I have enough milk in the freezer that hopefully I won't have to buy any..crossing my fingers.
    @newmomma13 yea beatrix doesn't nurse a whole lot through the say either..maybe like 3 or 4 times. She nurses to go to sleep and then doesnt wake till morning(at least that's what its been like this week).
    @roomfor1more lol at trying to take it out himself. She gets so excites when I put the boppy on my lap and start to pull my shirt up lol but doesn't seem to care if its in a bottle either. When did you start introducing cows milk?
  • @trixiesmom8 2 weeks b4 his bday but he was not having it :-W I stopped pumping after his bday which slowed down my milk n he only had bm at night but that was the only way he would go to sleep!!! n I had other things to do like preparing for the next day n once I cuddle with him I end up falling asleep n nothing gets down I have to rush in the morning!!!
  • Last month on the 23 after she turned 9 mo which was the 22nd...
    My milk started to go away.. Then she started showing no interest... Then I found out I was prego lol
  • @roomfor1more lol yea..idk how well my lo will do with the transition.
    @mommimisha lol wow! Yea my lo only nurses 3x a day so she she's not too attached to me, so I don't think it will be hard.
  • Oh yeah you should be good then... Give her a bottle with some juice in it or some of your breast milk... Then she will do fine! GOOD LUCK!
  • I think Malia will have an easier transition than I will. It comforts us both. I get tired of it sometimes, but i love her too much and it too much to stop anytime soon.
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