sleeping with the ex.. risky business!!

edited September 2012 in Just for Fun
So for those of you, who know my story.. me and my sons dad broke up around July. and we both started seeing other people. That is up until about a month ago. And he enrolled in school to become and EMT. And he's trying to get his life on track, and change for 'his family' he says. Which, I am so happy for him! Hea doing awesome and is taking school extreamly serious (he's been out of school since freshmen year of hs.. 8 years!) So anyways. For the past 2 weeks we've been intimate. And he says stuff like 'how we use to be' and calls me, babe & baby, and kisses me. And says he 'misses my body' lol.

And I know that considering our past, we probably should be having sex. But, honestly... It feels so right. Like, we try to be broken up, but always end up back with eachother. And Idk, but I like to call that fate...


  • Oh && ps. Please don't judge me. Lol
  • What happened to Chris? I'd be extra cautious with you and Michael's past. Your. Lo deserves stability and you deserve the world.:)
  • Chris was too 'intimidated with my situation' and I know Michaels screwed up... Alot. But Idk, I guess sometimes you just can't get over your first true love. And I HATE myself for feeling this way. But not being with him just doesbt feel right. And I'm nuts lol because I should hate him.
  • BlessedTXmom I feel like he's really trying. No one (in my fam) does. Which is extremely hard. It's me against my fam when it comes to him
  • Blessedtxmom I know, my family is so rude. I don't see why they can't mind there own business. It's way past the 'protective, I love you' thing. Its to the point where his mom defriended me and my fam on fb cuz of their drama. (Idk y she deleted me)

    And I'm not saying were gunna get back together.. but I know we are still in love with eachother.
  • Maybe he figured out the grass wasn't greener on the other side. Take it slow and do what feels right. :-)
  • idk what to do anymore. my family is the WORST support system when it comes to letting me making me own decisions!

    so i asked my mom, if she could watch my son after i put him to bed so i could go bowling with my friend michelle. and she was like, you shouldnt be going with michelle, you should be going with guys! and NOT michael. and all i said was "even if i was to go with michael, its really none of your business! its my life, my choices, my decisions!" and she was like, if you go out with michael - itll be a definate NO. you not going with michael!

    im so frustrated! im almost 22 years old. he is the father of my son! we were together for 3 years. i dont think they have a say in what i do, and what i choose. but that doesnt matter. because there going to butt in regardless of what i say. and no matter how many times i tell them to f off, or get out! they dont listen.

    ngdsghijsdbgnskjs so aggravated! >:p :-W %-( [-(
  • thats what i think @CristinaLynn and if anything i want to go slow.. but who knows what will happen. if my family cant get over that this is my life, and my family! then were NEVER going to be together. and i dont think id be able to forgive them if they destroyed my family... they already are! i mean - there the reason we broke up both times.. what should i do?!
  • Tellbthem to stay out of your business, plain and simple. You being with him or not being with him doesn't concern or affect them. They should all really know their place.
  • I don't think you're family has the right to tell you what you can & can't do. Voice their concerns in a loving way maybe, but not say I'm not babysitting if you go out with so and so. Not good. :(
  • Ugh I'm in the same boat:/ at least he misses you and wants to do better for his family. Mine just wants to have sex. He comes by has sex and leaves. Although the other day we went to go eat dinner and didn't have sex, at this point I don't know what to do or have any advise. From the sounds of it he cares for you and is trying he's proving his self instead of just saying he'll change he's doing it :)
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  • My family has always been an issue. And no matter what he does, its never going to be good enough. And I know hes screwed up in the past, and hes not perfect. But atleast he sees his son as much as he can.

    And he had a test today (Sunday) and my mom accused him of lieing to me, at the time last night he had my son, and was supost to drop him off at 10am. But j wanted him to come home sat night. and my mom said 'he wants to drop him off so he can go party and drink, he's lieing to you(me)' honestly I can't win!
  • You can only win with yourself.:)
  • Only one way to find out.. call the school and ask when the test is.
  • @CristinaLynn i dont wanna act like the crazy lady lol. if he really needed to lie to me then its whatever. but i dont see what he would gain by lieing and spending less time with his son, for what? extra sleep??? i find that highly improbable.

    i feel so sufficated by my family. seriously they wonder why im so unhappy?! because they cant let me grow up and make my own choices. and i have no where elce to go, so its not like i can move out. sad part is, were moving to a different town next month, thats further away from my ex.. which sucks. and i dont have a car, or a job. im just so depressed. and the added drama with my mom doesnt help! :-(
  • Its just meant to be maybe he realized that he really does love you
  • i know hes never stopped loving me. hahaha.
    but i think he feels the same stress i feel with my family, like nothing he does is ever going to be good enough. and he just had enough. which isnt fair to my or my son, but i guess i understand.. it made me grow up - get seriouse about school and better himself. but my mom will NEVER see that.
  • I'd be gone! I'd find some where else to stay lol but that's just me. I wouldn't put up with that even if they are family.
  • @trixiesmom8 trust me, if I could pack up me and my son I'd be gone in a heart beat. It's my own fault, I havnt been saving my money. But its so hard to save when I only get 280 every 2 week's, and I spend 90% of it On my son. U knlw?
  • Can you work ?
  • Just from personal experience I was in very serious and great Relationship with my first love we had mutual agreement on our break up BC we have always known he wanted to join the marines I supported him through the whole thing even got him ready for boot camp. I knew how much love he had for me that one he started to miss me he would say I give up just to come home. And I had so much love for him that I had to put him first and make sure he wouldn't give up so we broke up right before he left so he could focus. After that he had me training and so on. Therefore we both started seeing other people. And the time for us to try again has never been right due to me or him being in relationship. Long story short I have anyways thought I could never move on but it took 3 years and I was able to. Sometimes u just need time and a lot of it. So personally I wouldn't rush into anything.
  • @Mrs4c I'm desperately trying to work. I'm going to school now also
  • Yea I know. There isn't even a friend you could move in with just till you get money saved? The sooner you leave the better off you'll be and figure out if he's truly really the one.
  • I agree with @homebirthasvocate 100%! I think the sex should be cut out. Thats when you will really see how things are. Sex often leads to blindness of a situation if that makes sense.
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