vbac stories

edited September 2012 in Pregnant
i had a c section june 2011 and my next baby is due nov!
my question is how many ppl have had a vbac?
my consultant at the hospital scared the life out of me last week! told me because i have a high bmi they wouldnt want to do another csection.
they wont induce me incase i have a ruptured uterus
and a normal birth could lead to my scar splitting and me haemoraging (spelling)!
i dont know what to do now :-\


  • Oh dear don't believe that crap! I had a home birth October 2011 after my c section in 2009. Ruptures generally happen in the third trimester and there are many more risks with repeat c sections because its major abdominal surgery. I say find a supportive ob or better yet a midwife. I have attended a few hbacs with no problems during labor.
  • I went for a vbac with my second and ended up with another c-section for the same reason as my first - my cervix doesn't like to open! I got to about half a cm with my first after 36 hours and a full cm with my second after 35 hours!). My doctor was extremely supportive though so if that is the route you want to take I suggest finding a new, more supportive doctor! I was told the gels they use to soften the cervix were more dangerous and caused more scars to rupture compared to people being put on the drip to strengthen contractions later on. I'm in the UK though so they may use different drugs. Both are relatively small chances but they have to make you aware as it obviously happens in some cases. Good luck sweetie x
  • Im having my vbac too in november. Im due dec 1st but i know it will be november i had my c sections march 17 2011
  • I tried but failed. Only it was due to my children being to big to fit through my pelvis. Do I regret even trying for the VBAC, no! Not one bit. Don't let them scare you. I refused to see a lady (Dont k ow if she was a doc, MA or what) because she started talking like that and only saw the ones that were pro-vbac! I went to 41 weeks and they said they could induce slowly if I went much farther. I actually did recieve pitocin b/c I was not advancing at all at some points...
  • I had my last by section in june 2011 im due april next year and my hospital have already sent me an appointment for birth options with details on a vbac there very pro vbac. I dont think its an option for me as i have big babies but i will see if this one doesnt get huge i may consider it.
  • @littlenat86 im in the uk too! because i havent had any information at all i juat thought i would have another section but then at my last appointment he said all this and it got me thinking! im petrified of giving birth but hes scared me so much that im thinkin this baby sld just stay where it is and not come out!
    @everyone he wasnt supportive at all! he didnt want me to have a csection but also didnt want me to have a natural birth! i wanted to ask him how he thought this baby should actually be born then?!
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