Tmi - need a little advice

edited September 2012 in Health
So as we know with pregnancy comes constipation, which I've had with every one of my girls...really bad lol. is my problem...I'm experiencing the exact opposite now, and I've been pretty much living on the toilet for the last four days. I have the cha chas so bad it's starting to kinda burn ehem..uh...back there :-(
Could this be the pregnancy??


  • Seriously this has been me today too, I feel like I'm dying lol..only had a piece of toast and a few carrots and still, I've been on the toilet ALL DAY! lol please tell me if you find something that works!! Hope you feel better!
  • @nova & @coltensmamma Man...I haven't eaten much either and omgosh! You would think I'd know what to do since this is baby #6 but I've never had diarrhea(sorry) like this unless I've been sick lol. How far along are you ladies?
  • 6 weeks....this needs to stop for us NOW lol :)
  • @coltensmamma Omgosh I'm glad I'm not alone, but I'm sorry you're going through the same thing too. I'll be 6 weeks in two days.
  • Maybe its a sign that its a boy
  • @5lingers I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was...everybody is jinxing me lol. Even my girls are trying to jinx me. I'm still hoping for a girl lol
  • @bexiewexie I have witchhazel wipes thankfully. I just lost hope that it'll go away though hahaha :-p
  • @5lilangels phone auto corrected your name.
  • @bexiewexie it's okay girl...I just wished I could take Imodium or something lol
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  • @hombirthadvocate thank you...I'll try it!
  • I suffer from IBS & have issues some days like this. I have found that butt paste helps a while lot with after effects when you like gets taken over by the all mighty throne lol.
  • I had constant diarrea during my whole pregnancy! It sucked! I blamed my husband because he is very lactose intolerant and since I was prego with his baby I got his intolerance!! Lolol
  • @timebandit omgosh I totally did that haha I ran out of witch hazel wipes so I grabbed Jayda anti monkey butt...and it worked pretty well lol how embarrassing right? Lol @WyattsMommy oh no so if you try to do something about the constipation you'll get cha chas and if you try to do something about the cha chas you'll get constipated again. Geeze!! I think I'd go crazy. @ScarlettsMama Oh no! Thankfully I don't like milk...I have maybe a full cup a week if that. Yuk lol that'd probably make this issue worse :-/
  • Im currently backed up. I havent went in about a day. On top of a queasy stomach. The week before i was going 3-4 times a day
  • @stephforever89 Awh no :-( I had the constipation with the girls so bad. I'm so sorry cause I know how painful it is...then when you finally do go its nothing seems like a rabbit sat on your toilet! :-/ docusate helped me a's a stool softener. No cramps or anything. Just helps you go instead of making you go. I hope that helps.
  • I lived on the toilet with both of my boys. ;-) I know ground nutmeg will help but im not sure if you can use it being pregnant. MMaybe @homebirthadvocate will know
  • @doodles ...did you have any girls? :-(
  • No ma'am only boys. :-)
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  • Its so hard to swallow but a full teaspoon of dry ground nutmet will lessen diarrhea. Follow it with water bc you will be gaggin! Lol
  • @ChristinaLynn....seriously dying right now...has anything helped you? I feel so much worse today...actually starting to think I might have a bug....I'm so hungry its making me feel like I have morning sickness...but everything I eat or drink is going right through me... :( HELP ME! LOL
  • @doodles the reason why I asked is cause everybody that I know that had diarrhea had boys..along with more frequent bloody noses(I'm anemic)...everybody keeps trying to jinx me with a boy lol I'm hoping it's not gonna work haha! Thank you. Could I mix the nutmeg with water? @homebirthadvocate thank you so much! <3 @coltensmamma I haven't even tried anything yet lol. Surprisingly I'm not hungry except for in the mornings. I'm the same though...cause it goes right through me too. I think our bodies are just cleaning itself out. I have been drinking tons of water so I don't get dehydrated lol.
  • I had nosebleeds with my first but I get nosebleeds easily so im not sure if that was related. I do not suggest mixing nutmeg with water. It does not disolve and will make it harder to swallow all of it. You could put a little water in your mouth before the nutmeg so it isn't so powdery
  • @doodles I get nose bleeds once in a while, and the amount isn't a lot. Since this pregnancy I bleed every morning when I blow my nose and it's more then what it usually is.
  • I was constipated the normal amount with my son, but this baby (girl) has me running to go every morning. Not the runs, but more urgent and more frequent.
  • Take docusate stool softener daily. Will get rid of that problem!
  • With my twins I seriously had constipation so bad I went to the er once. This baby? (Boy) Oh noooo. Lol it's like I had a gallbladder and it shut down all over again! Sometimes I can't even finish a meal before I'm waddling full speed to the bathroom!
  • @Ourlittlenugget Oh finally lol I was scared for a minute. @captivated I'm not constipated at all...its actually the opposite :-/ @Stanley_x2 oh no...well...I had hope for a few seconds lol
  • I may not count though because of my lack of gallbladder!
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