Tmi - need a little advice



  • @MrsStanley_x2 I don't know what not having a gallbladder does or doesn't do. What happened? If you dont mind me asking of course.
  • Oh! Sorry. Lol I could have explained. The gallbladder is kind of like the appendix, and when I was 18 mine shut down (pumps bile into your stomach.... or something like that). I had it and the little bile duct removed, so the bile goes straight into my stomach causing weird digestion. Lol that's the most basic explanation. All the extra bile makes my stomach go nuts, and hello bathroom. It is much better, but this baby makes me feel.18 all over again!
  • Omgosh! Is there reasons why they shut down or does it have no cause?
  • Sometimes it can have gallstones, sometimes it can be diseased for no reason (my case). It's a weird little organ. Lol all I know is when it went, I dropped 50 lbs before they figured out it was my GB. Definitely not an enjoyable thing to deal with your senior year of high school!
  • Oh no that's horrible :-( I'm sorry you went through that, especially trying to graduate hs
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