Flu shot question

edited September 2012 in Babies Health
So madison's 1 yr appt is coming up and I don't want her to get a flu shot, my husband gets the flu everytime he gets the shot, but other than that i dont have a good reason besides not wanting to. I know my doctor is gonna fight with me and i'd like to be prepared.
@captivated maybe you could help?
Also how many shots will she be getting? i'm worried they're gonna slip the flu shot in
does it make me a bad mom to put her at risk of gettting the flu if she doesnt get the shot? I just have a really bad feeling about it :/


  • Just tell them you don't want it for her, and they'll just have you sign a form. Ask to see the injections and look at the labels if your scared they'll try to slip it in. Usually 1yr old shots consist of 3 shots.
  • I would tell them you wanted to see how she did with these ones first and you will come back in a week or two for the flu shot. But don't really go back for it...
  • My son got 3 shots at a year appointment not including the flu. I told him I didn't want it at a previous appointment and the doctor didn't fight me about it. The adults in your family could get it to lower the risk of her getting the flu. I got it since my son didn't. Also the flu shot is a dead virus, you can't get the flu from it. It can cause a temp though
  • @ericak22 thank you :) @my2boys genius!! @ezrasmommy i knew my hubby was a big old baby lol i'm definetly getting one
  • Lol. Aren't all men? ;-)
  • Just say that you do not want the flu shot and that it isn't up for discussion.More die from the flu shot than die from the flu. The flu is not a "deadly disease". Theres no reason for the flu shot as our bodies are perfectly capable of dealing with it. Also, a major amount of people that get the flu HAD the flu shot.
  • And she is right. You can't get the flu from the shot. You can get sick from the mist as it is an active virus.
  • I just told her doctor that I didn't want to.get it and he said he will ask again at the next appt and I said it will still be a no Haha
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  • edited September 2012
    I got a flu shot last yr on my way out of the hospital after having my lo. Im not getting the flu shot for her this year. If vaccinations weren't mandatory in Illinois i wouldnt do them. They have certain versions of the vaccines that are specifically made to cause problems later in life and an earlier death. They do make vaccines that are safe but those are for the elite. Its called population control. Us lower class people get the crappy shots so we'll die quicker. Thats why soo many doctors choose not to practice medicine here in the U.S. Here in Illinois there's nothing we can do about it. No vaccine waivers. Nothing.

    *My info comes from a dr, nurse, and pharmacist. All very smart and loving people. They're my los grandpa, grandma, and aunt.
  • @steph_due_101611 LOL what?! and ps, shots are NOT mandatory, in anywhere in the US, except a couple states only have medical exemptions which are hard to get.
  • Yes, Steph. There are waivers in every state for school aged kids. Now if you are in nursing school, for example, or a nurse, it is almost impossible to forego them. For kids though, they are all able to use waivers. A couple states are harder, like NY. You just have to stand up and fight for what you want. :)
  • How can i though if its not for medical or religious reasons?
  • @steph_due_101611 since you live in a state with only religious/medical, then you just claim religious-it is illegal to ask what religion. In my state for school, I just check the religion box on the school app.
  • I had my doctor give it to my daughter. She explained that the one my daughter was receiving was a no kill vaccine, meaning that she wouldn't get flu like symptoms like adults do after they get it. My daughter had no symptoms. You don't have to say yes, it's your decision. :)
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