I think I am giving up. No judging please. :(
I know bf is best for my daughter I know all the pros. I don't wanna be judged or lectured. I just don't think bf is working out for me and baby. Every feeding is a fight. She just isn't latching on right. I find myself dreading having to feed her. I am beginning to get angry and frustrated which I hate. She cries I cry. I am done. I am going to try and pump and feed but idk how that's gonna be. I feel bad but I am not enjoying being with my daughter and I don't want it to be like that. if pumping and feeding doesn't work does anyone know what type of formula I'd want to start with? Switching from bf to formula will it make her stomach upset?
You have to do whats best for you and your baby not what other people may think is the best.
@MorgDeeBee Did you have to give her anything for her constipation?
@Stillsuprised She did ok having both breastmilk and formula?
@Lilliansmom yeah I need to figure something out because I am miserable
@RTMommy Do you know how long fresh bm lasts at room temp? And if she eats half a bottle is it ok to give her the rest at her next feeding?
@ourlittlenugget no i haven't seen one yet. I might try to see one soon
BM will last 5 hours at room temp, 5 days in the fridge and 5 months in a standard freezer. BM will last up to a year in a deep freezer because it doesn't get exposed to temp fluctuations, like a standard freezer does. Thawed milk should be used within 2 days as freezing kills many of its antibacterial components.
I know you feel at your wits end, but have you sought out a breastfeeding support group? They are free and filled with women just like you who are or have faced the challenges you've encountered. The support is beneficial and with knowledge comes power. If interested, contact your L&D ward and ask them for info on breastfeeding support groups. Believe me, they are wonderful. I only throw this option out there because I know many women here who regret not knowing their resources.
You will know what is best for you and your family. Don't let the judgment of others sway your decision. The first few weeks are the hardest, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!
You've done great! I commend you for making it this far, for all your hard word and continued valiant efforts.