What is wrong with my body!?

edited October 2012 in Health
I keep having spotting between my periods. I've never done this in my life until the last miscarriage. Also may be tmi, but the beginning and ending of my periods are really thin and watery...I never had that before either! I don't know if my body is just still trying to straighten out or if something might be wrong. :/


  • Do you know when your mom started peri-menopause?
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  • I never had spotting between my periods til I got my tubes tied. I know you don't have yours tied, maybe your body is just changing
  • @mijita I'm not really sure. My periods are about 35 days apart too, but they have been for several years.
  • They say you follow your mom. My mother started peri-menopause at about 42. You are still young, but was curious how old your mom was because it is a possibility. If I had to guess I'd say its hormonal, especially with thyroid issues.
  • Yeah, I was just wondering if there's still some tissue stuck in me or something ....but I wouldn't think so since I've had 2 cycles now.
  • Oh dear no, I won't go through menopause until I'm 55ish?!?!?! X_X
  • I would go and get checked over, spotting between periods is a reason they would give you a smear test over here to check everything is ok! X
  • @Bahamamama4828; LOL. Sorry! My mom stopped at about 51, so I'm right there with you.
  • I did that after my m/c and had to go for a d&c
  • I was like that after I had my daughter until my periods just stopped coming at 6/7 months pp. I am now almost 11 months pp and haven't had a period since the end of august and I know I'm not prego.
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